After being told by her apartment complex management that it was not their responsibility to remove a snake from her porch, a woman set the reptile on fire and caused $1,000 damage to vinyl siding.
Shatavia Kearney, 19, called the Charter Landing Apartments office Sunday and asked someone to remove a snake from her porch. Police said she was told to deal with the situation herself, The Florida Times-Union reported Wednesday
So Kearney doused the snake with a flammable liquid and set it on fire, according to a police report by the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.
In the process, the vinyl siding caught fire and was charred and melted in two places.
No one was charged and the snake got away.
Gee I think it would have been cheaper for them to have handled it in the first place!
Serves 'em right!
-- Edited by woo_hoo22 at 10:30, 2006-05-04
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"