I am just devastated about Invasion! I am probably the only one that watches this here but I just had to share. This is the 3rd show that has been cancelled on me & hubby!
ABC: Invasion Out, Calista In As ABC puts the finishing touches on its schedule, Invasion's fate has been sealed — the sci-fi series will not see a second season and, even sadder for fans, talk that CW might pick it up is dying. To fill that hour and more, ABC has picked up the dramas Brothers & Sisters (starring Calista Flockhart and Rachel Griffiths), Ugly Betty (set at a fashion mag), Traveler (a national-security thriller), and Anne Heche's Men in Trees. The network also gave a thumbs-up to the comedies Big Day (couple plan their wedding) and the tentatively titled Let's Rob Mick Jagger, and also renewed According to Jim, George Lopez and What About Brian. Oh, and Freddie? He got fingered, and it wasn't a nice one, either.
-- Edited by woo_hoo22 at 17:25, 2006-05-15
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Sorry to hear about your show Woo. I liked it and thought Lost was a good lead in for it. Shows just dont seem to get a fair amount of time to build an audience anuymore.
I was a loyal veiwer of INVASION too, and I'm torn about this.
On one side, it ticks me off that it was gonna apparantly go on and on. When LOST hit the airwaves it just seemed like it was going to be a one year story with some resolution to it. Then of course it became wildly popular and they couldn't bear to give it up or start with a new story line the next year, so apparantly it will go on indefinately like Gilligans Island.
This season LOST led to a ton of shows that seemed in the same mold. Where their title or theme would SUGGEST it was going to be a one year storyline. But I learned real quick that the problem with that concept is it will either get cancelled before there is any resolution or it will go on indefinately because it was successful. Either option is a bit disappointing to me.
I was very into REUNION, which was supposed to be a story of 20 years of life among a group of friends, each week being a year. It was cancelled very early on.
I really liked THRESHOLD, it was cancelled early on and I was left never to find out what happened.
And what will they do with PRISON BREAK? It's been a big success (although I haven't watched), but do you think it ends with the prison breakout? Of course not. They have to keep the cash cow going now!
I'm fed up. I've devoted probably 100 hours of my life to shows that the networks decided to give up on because 5 million viewers just wasn't good enough for them.
They don't value me as a viewer and I have better things to do with my time.
Starting next year I won't be watching ANY hour long shows on TV. If they look interesting to me I'll wait and see if they survive long enough to get a DVD release.
I hope the networks all fall apart and go bankrupt.
I am so glad that I am not the only one upset with this. And it's not just the major networks either. Our other 2 shows that were cancelled were on TNT & FX. It just blows! I'm not much into sci-fi but I enjoyed "V" back in the day and X-Files. And Invasion reeled me right in only for the rug to pulled out!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I've only seen part of a Prison Break episode, but that's exactly what I thought when I heard about it. How in the world are they going to make it into a series? I haven't watched it, but I still don't understand how a story can be built where there obviously has to be an end to the story.
I have an idea for the perfect series: a mini series show. Where the story lasts for 4 episodes, it ends, then another mini series starts. It would be the perfect spot for some of these close-ended story lines the networks are coming out with right now.
What's REALLY annoying is that these shows, which are designed to be a complete story line, don't have a plan to wrap up in a hurry if they find out they're not coming back.
It should be part of the deal that they have a 3 show wrap-up plan so the viewers that DID watch aren't left with nothing.
But again, the networks just don't give a crap about you.
It's short sighted though, because that "paltry" five million viewers of a failing show are probably also viewers of some of their more successful shows like LOST or ACCORDING TO JIM, and you keep p**sing them off they'll stop watching ALL of them, not just the cancelled ones.
I bet in the last two seasons I've cut my TV viewing down by about 2/3'rds to only an hour or so a night now. Next year I may just go the DVD route completely.
So no Woo Hoo, you are NOT alone in your frustration