We have just been notified by Live365 that there is another conflict brewing with the RIAA over royalty rates and it threatens to shut down small internet radio stations.
I'm trying to learn the details about what may happen and when it may happen, as well as if there's anything we can do about it. But I wanted to make sure I kept you guys up to date right off the bat.
I will update this thread as I get more info. If anyone else has any info on the changes that are afoot please post it here.
If in the end changes are made that would end the station, we would still maintain the forum until it was no longer being used by anyone. We've all made a lot of friends here, and I'm sure most would like to continue to stay in touch.
Hopefully in the end the RIAA will pull it's head out of it's a** and realize it only benefits from internet broadcasting, but this organization has a looooooooooong history of making all the wrong moves.
I've combed the RIAA's site as much as possible, and the only new development in internet radio I've seen is someone playing an album before it's been release (maybe something to think about before any pre-release new music weekends), but I didn't find anything about royalty rates. I'm wondering if that's something between the RIAA and Live365, which wouldn't surprise me any.