The studio revamp is moving along nicely, but I'm going to be disassembling and disposing of the current furniture to allow a nice open work area for assembling the new furniture which is due to arrive tomorrow afternoon.
I don't know when I'll get around to assembling the new stuff, but until it is all set up I won't be able to be on the forum or the air at all.
There will also be a short outtage of the station at some point as I get all the computer stuff in place, I'll do my best to have that happen during the evening hours, but there is a fair chance that on Thursday or Friday morning/early afternoon we'll be down for a bit.
You might want to bring your emergency CD's to the office with you just in case!
Photo's of the new digs will be soon to follow, once the painting and some other final touches are completed!
Ever since about three months ago when I saw a photo of the studio of our local biggest station and was totally unimpressed.
I realized how easy it would be to set our studio up to look every bit as classy as a big budget broadcast station.
In the movies they always have these mega plush studios, and I'm sure there are some that do that, but the two big ones in Milwaukee are just very very plain.
I even toured the second biggest station about 15 years ago and was stunned to find that the DJ was basically in a room the size of a walk in closet with just a mic and control board in front of him.
JD has been trying to get us some local press, and I figure before he succeeds I want to make the set up look impressive!