I made it home from El Paso about 9 30 pm central. had a good time. got drunk with my cousin and played poker and listed to some good hard rock. While traveling byy car ( it was cheaper than flying) We stopped at a few rest stops in Oklahoma and New Mexico
While stretching my legs and looking at the cheesy things they sell in the rest stops that pass off as souviners what should my eyes spy but 2 shot glasses. ( Nebraska and Florida) I looked at them and all of a sudden I spied a Whole Shelving unit that had EVERY SHOT GLASS FROM EVERY STATE THERE! From Alabama to Wyoming and everything in Between yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I wound up buying 16 of them ( for 2 bucks a piece I was not complaining.) For the cound the states that were purchased were as follows
S Carolina, Oregon, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Alabama, Conneticut,Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland,New Hampshire, Vermont,Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey,and Nevada!
That puts me as missing only 19 states!
Arkansas, California, Georgia, Indiana,Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Michigan, Minnisota,North Carolina, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, W Virginia, and Washington D.C.
NE Ways. Have a good weekend! JD I look forward to Sunday my friend. I missed you guys. hopefully yyou all liked my 4th of july feast
Sounds like you had a lotta fun. Also sounds like you spent a boatload on shot glasses. If you need help testing them out I could probably assist you with that