We have two towns, Piedmont is four miles to the north and Black Hawk is 3 1/2 miles to the South. I decided we would go to the Black Hawk school playground and play. Little A had a blast until some idiot 16 year old and his little brother showed up. It was quiet and the birds were chirping until the nert bag opened his hatch back and played some rap crap F this F that as loud as he could so he could hear it across the grounds. If I wouldn't have had Little A there I might have said something or went over and shut his hatch back for him. But instead I was the good Dad and just left. A cried and cried so I went the other direction to the other school park. It was pretty run down so we didn't stay very long. I said to Little A this place sucks huh? and she said YUP!!
She didn't cry leaving that one.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
You should have just called the cops. Playing that crap in public is SUPPOSEDLY illegal because of the profanity. Even if you called as you were leaving to avoid retribution, at least they'd get talked too!