There's an article on MSNBC about the Arizona sniper.
They talk to his ex-wife who says he was very mentally abusive to her.
“Looking back, I can see him doing something like this,” Hazelett said of Hausner. “But I never would have imagined it.”
She said Hausner never hit her, but constantly belittled her. “I was really miserable,” she said. “He’d tell me, ’You can’t cook, you can’t clean. You’re ugly. No one wants you.”’
Pretty mean stuff right? Then they talk to the guy in jail and this is what he says about her statement...
“That’s just ex-wife stuff,” he said. “That’s just character assassination. She is just looking to get her ugly face in the paper.”
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he JUST call her ugly AGAIN and prove her point to probably be legitimate?
And I think the guy is nuts, she looks pretty nice in the photo they took. I bet this is not even her best photo (when you consider what she's been through the last week).
I'd even say I see a bit of Charleze Theron in her face, THAT CAN'T BE BAD!