I don't know, but I hope it involves the use of some rope!
KIDDING!!! I'M KIDDING!!!!!!! Jeez!! Is JD the only one who can have any fun around here!!!! Geez, cutting yourself off like that- are ya afraid of me? LOL!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Like I need to ask We all know you're a Skittles girl.
What a crappy day on the bike! I started too late, had zero energy, barely got in 15 miles I BLAME WEB!!!
And to top it off one of the pedals is getting wobbly, now I gotta buy a socket set so I can tighten the bolt Probably gonna spend $20 to tighten a stupid bolt!!!
I hope this isn't an omen of how the rest of the day is gonna go
Ah, that's alright. I'm gonna check with the Landlady and see if she's got a wrench & socket set I could borrow, if not I just realized I'm sure my Dad had one. In fact I think that's why I never bought one, because I borrowed his a couple times before. So it's all good!