The wind blowing made me wonder . . . is the air being pushed, or pulled?
I know that wind is caused by differences in atmospheric pressure areas. But is the high pressure "pushing" the air, or the low pressure "pulling" the air.
According to the National Weather Service's education program, Jetstream, the high pressure molecules weigh more. So theoretically, the high pressure is pushing the air. If you look at their experiment, the high pressure forces the plastic wrap into the can, the low pressure does not pull it in.
Workforce Developments is always interested to see another take on "best" jobs, what they are and why people think they're so great. The Harris Poll has just completed its annual survey of the Most Prestigious Occupations in America. Not surprisingly, Firefighter, Doctor, Nurse and Scientist make up the top four. I was surprised to see Teacher come in as the fifth most prestigious occupation. I was shocked to learn that Teacher is the only occupation that has seen an increase in perceived prestige over the 29 years Harris has conducted this poll, and it has risen fully 23 points. The second greatest change over time has been Lawyer, which has fallen 15 points.
The Harris Poll is a proper phone survey, but it only ranks 23 different jobs. They go through the list of occupations, asking respondents to rate each as "an occupation of very great prestige, considerable prestige, some prestige, or hardly any prestige at all." Which is different from whether it pays well, is meaningful work, or if it's something you'd like to be when you grow up. The top ten are rounded out with
Military officer
Police officer
Coming in as the least prestigious of the 23 are
Union leader
Business executive
Real estate broker/agent
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...