i just talked to my daughter and she told me that the grocery store where she works is going out of business. the town just recently (less than a year) opened a new wal-mart super center. it's really sad, but i suppose it's the way things have always evolved.
recently on my trip to santa fe, i went to see my aunt and they always get to talking about when they were little kids -- 1940's. this particular time she mentioned that in the neighborhood where they grew up (i did too), that there were little general stores in peoples homes. eventually the grocery store (probably piggly wiggly), put them out of business...
i suppose it's the same story different generation. it just makes me sad when people lose their jobs, no matter what they do (except illegal activities).
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)