So I looked it up. In Iowa, drug dealers are required to pay a $5 tax, in the form of a stamp to affix to the substance, for each gram of marijuana they possess. But, the minimum purchase required to buy stamps is $215. The stamps can be purchased by mail or by stopping into the local IRS office. "Hello, I'd like to purchase $215 in drug tax stamps." "Okay sir, what type of drug?" "Marijuana." "Okay, here you go. And by the way, there will be a cop following you home. Have a nice day!"
Glad to see we are not the only ones with stupid laws on the book!
There is a case right now here where a firefighter was caught with his girlfriend having sex in a house under construction- the charge- sex before marriage! They actually did not get caught in the act, the house caught fire and the firefighter let his boss know that hisfinger prints are in the house. So that was the only charge they could hold him on!
If you think about it, this is one of the sneekier laws which is exactly why they do that. If you don't buy the tax sticker to put on whatever you sell, then you not only get charged with possession and distribution, you also get charged with tax evasion. At some point if they want you bad enough, they can also charge you with racketeering.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I don't know if it still is, but Lincoln NE was a dry town on Sundays when we lived there. It was a city law. The small towns just outside city limits loved the Sunday alcohol sales.
I agree with Mema. They don't expect anyone to buy the stamp . . . it is one more revenue source for them from those getting caught. The whole idea is totally stupid though. It almost makes drug dealing sound legal as long as you get your permits.
But if you read through it all, it states that LEGAL substances are exempt from this law.
So yes, it really is just another charge they can slap someone with. It still makes no sense. It seems almost like double jeopardy (it's not technically, but it seems pretty darn close).