It's shaping up to be a typical Monday. Policy changes, pains in my butt, and I even got an email to change something I already changed 2 weeks ago, but of course, what person A told me to change is only slightly different than what person B is asking me to change, and person B is still using the old version.
Monday... it will be a long day. I have to go from my full time job here at the PD to the golf course. I am also working both jobs on Friday, and working a wedding reception on Saturday. It's going to be a looooooooooooooong week. Maybe I'll take a day off this week just to give me a break.
Mz I'm out of the Survivor game already. Did you see that OT yesterday. I really thought Jax had it. morrell also had Jax.
I agree with the ickyness of this day! First of all I slept like crap! My body just wouldn't relax! Then I get up and hubby says that he has a pounding headache. He gets out of the shower saying that it's making him nauseous. He takes some aspirin and goes back to bed but doesn't tell me! When I go into the bedroom I find him in bed! Well it would have been nice to know since I now have to hurry up and get the rest of the stuff done! He says that if he can shake this then he is coming into work. I was almost late for work. This is starting out just great!
And apparently I am not the only one around here. My friend just dumped her plant on the floor and is now trying to vacuum up the dirt.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Must be something in the air, Woo. I didn't sleep very good either.
Its going to be hot here today. Expecting 90.
It looks like I better get busy and get some billing done today. I've got more bills than money in the account so I better get to processing some invoices.
I saw the footage of that Tennessee player stomping the face of the Dallas player yesterday. They should just ban him from the NFL forever. That is not something that a "oops, I wasn't thinking" should let get him out of. I say ban him for life. Take his NFL card away and send him packin'.
I made the cut for being a reserve jurist for this morning at least. But I have to call in at noon to see if I am needed in the afternoon. this is already a pain in the butt.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
Morning all. I happily get to report that it is my FRIDAY!!! I have pulled so many days in a row that the boss is actually letting me off Tuesday and Wednesday.
Ruby, what insurance company do you have? I know Geico will fix some window stuff for free if you have full coverage. That's who I have, and I've been very happy with them so far.
On my insurance, the glass is covered under the "comprehensive" part. I beleive my deductible on comp. is $100 but I could have a $0 deductible if I wanted to pay more. I think it figured out that the premium savings by adding the $100 deductible made it a wash after a couple years.
Yeah, I've got the $500 deductible. My insurance used to be really high, and now that I'm 25 and all the stuff on my driving record has expired, it's totally dropped and I'm not ready to pay for the lower deductible yet.