My wedding anniversary is coming up this month. We have 2 vacation days for it. Now we are trying to figure out what we are going to do. The problem is that we can't afford anything. And I know that just being together should be the most important thing, but if we are home with nothing planned then it will be a regular day. There are plenty of projects to do at home. He has already expressed in a round-a-bout way that he didn't want to go to a hotel. He suggested going over to Mt Pleasant to the casino. That's fine but with that casino what little money we scramble together we may as well as just hand it to them at the door and turn around. He was sweet though and did look up how much it would cost to fly to Vegas which of course we can't afford.
So I guess I am just frustrated. We really haven't celebrated our anniversary since his Grandma was killed. We ended up burying her right before our 3rd anniversary.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"