A little while back when I was cleaning up around the computer, I found this picture of me & my Dad. It always makes me smile. He is gone now and there was a lot of problems between us but this was during the good days when I was Daddy's girl. This was when I was in ballet. That was an extremely itchy costume! I wish the picture hadn't been cut though. I lost many pictures of us. One time I collected a bunch of pictures to give to him as a present (my parents were divorced) and I may have gave him too many cuz I was feeling good about it. Anyway I will never see those again because he died and my step family ran off with whatever they got. I was an outsider at that point. Even though I was his only blood-child I got nothing. At the time I didn't care, but I guess I should have.
I just thought that I would share.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"