Not sure if you guys covered this already, but I did a search and found nothing.
Have you all heard about OJ Simpsons upcoming book "If I Did It" in which he tells "hypothetically" how he killed his ex-wife?
Apparantly the book jacket will indicate that the "chilling and detailed" descriptions of the murder will leave little doubt as to how it was committed or some other BS like that.
The MSNBC article goes on to say that he doesn't have to worry about it because of the double jeapordy laws (which is true) and plans to spend all the book money immediately to avoid having to pay it toward the civil lawsuit.
This guy has just become nothing more than a scummy circus clown!
Sparky wrote: I have a feeling this will be the final straw for Nicole's father, OJ better watch for the little red dot on his forehead.
No kidding!
I don't know how that man restrains himself. Having this smug a**hole rubbing it in his face all the time.
I think I'd kill him. I really do. I'd spend my life in prison but I think I'd have to kill him for killing my daughter and then basically spending the rest of his life laughing about it.
If that's the case Mzhartz then journalism has truly lost it's way
I just read that NBC and MSNBC are cutting 750 million in expenses and jobs to streamline themselves, the biggest hurt is gonna be put on MSNBC.
They're eliminating duplicate newsgathering techniques and sources. Which to me just says they'll have less cross checking on their news stories, so the worst is yet to come
I wish I could remember the exact story, but I remember seeing something on Snopes about a story that had been published on one of those big news sites that was actually false.
And people will buy the damn book, without considering what a scumbag he truly is. If this book ever hits the stands, the publishing company who has it, has hit a bottom low, and I'll never buy a book from their company from that day forward. Even if it's a huge publishing company.
But, he could be tried for other things that he wasn't charged with in the last trial. They're good at finding little nitpicky laws, such as trespassing, and then they could give him the maximum sentence. Not only that, but that would be putting a big target on his head for any future crimes. For example, I think he could be charged for reckless driving for going 15 mph over the speed limit. Or could have his car impounded if his registration expires. It's just a bad idea at any rate.
I truly hope this book is a hoax. I too saw the stories on MSNBC and honsetly felt as though I could vomit. That has to be one of the most tasteless, crass ideas I have heard in a very long time. Dude got away with murder... there is no reason to publicly brag about that. There is no reason to bring further shame and embarrassment on his children. It must certainly be difficult enough for them to deal with the reality of their lives. Almost as tragic is the fact that there are women out there who actually are making an effort to date this clown. I can't fathom that... "Hmmm... you beat your wife, you brutally murdered her and some other poor innocent schmuck... YEP! You are the man for me!!"
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.