Witch Ordered to Refund Love Spell Fee By Associated Press
document.write(getElapsed("20061030T220430Z")); Mon Oct 30, 5:04 PMUPDATED 1 DAY 4 HOURS 33 MINUTES AGO
MUNICH, Germany - A German court has ordered a self-proclaimed witch to refund a disappointed client her hefty fee for a spell that failed to win back the woman's partner.
The Munich administrative court said Monday it ruled that the witch must pay back the $1,275 on the grounds she offered a service that was "objectively completely impossible."
After her boyfriend left her in 2003, the client consulted the witch on a spell that would bring him back.
"The defendant carried out the corresponding ritual over several months, each time under a full moon, but without success," a court statement said.
It said the witch denied the client's claim that she had guaranteed success.
However, the court ruled that was irrelevant because "a love ritual is not suited to influencing a person from a distance."
Neither woman's identity was released.
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