I've noticed myself doing this more and more recently and I was wondering if any of you have caught yourself doing it and if you had any particularly good stories about it.
"It" is that I'm saying "you too" in the wrong situation.
For example, a pizza delivery guy gives me my pizza, we exchange the money, and as he's leaving he says "Enjoy your pizza" and I reply "you too", then I immediately realize how stupid that just was
I've done it a LOT lately! In all kinds of situations.
I'm just waiting for that time I say it in a totally inappropriate situation and offend somebody.
Or someone says your welcome before you get a chance to say thank you, then it makes you feel like they thought you weren't going to say it in the first place.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...