I'm back in grow-it mode big time these days. Little by little all the parts are falling back into place and hopefully we can turn our little station back into a less-little station
We've already doubled our listener hours in the last month from 5,000 to over 10,000. Of course, that's only because we've actually been on the air for an entire 30 days (where as before we were having a lot of problems that were keeping us off the air).
I've always been a numbers guy, so I'm gonna start updating our progress in this thread. I BEG OF YOU ALL to help us. The simplist way is to just tell a friend that you think will really get into the station.
Just think of it, if each of you could find just ONE person to get hooked, we could DOUBLE our size!
We've made one big change in our sound, and that is to add some new hit music. I think this is important (and SG pointed this out as well) because it will bring in some newer, younger listeners. We of course are always going to lean toward the classics, but every hour will feature SOME new music now.
As of today, November 15'th 2006, THIS is where we rank on Live365...
The 8'th ranked ADULT CONTEMPORARY Station.
The 15'th ranked TOP 40 Station.
The 36'th ranked ROCK Station.
The 37'th ranked POP Station.
The rankings are based on total listener hours and compared to all other stations on the network.
Very soon I'll have numbers for our over-all national internet rankings.
PLEASE help us get to the top ten!
I'll update these numbers every 1'st & 15'th so we can see how we're doing.
Thanks...and lets keep on growing...I love FFR and listen whenever I can..at work, home and I wish I could in the car too...but Sirius Radio is a great substitute!
Thats makes it even more impressive! CONGRATS!!!!!! It's nice to be part of three huge succeses....my family, 1st of course, my team at work (we were the #1 Major Market divuision for the year!) and Freeze Frame Radio.....
It would be cool if we could see how many listeners are tuned in at any given time.
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson
Quick note....on the scroll where you mention you've added the Top 30 songs .... I'd suggest chaging the word "Normal" to "original", normal sounds to me like it could be temporary. Original also make me feel like there is a history!
Hey JR, the numbers are lookin cool! cant wait untill we get in the top ten where FRR should be! already told loads of guys at work to tune in and the live 365 player actually plays at work as well! ps, whats the highest place the station has reached since the start?