So, are there any other suckers out there other than me who cook the family Thanksgiving dinner? Any 'signature' items? I make a crazy big dinner for the family and it has a few 'signature' items... my mom's recipe for sausage and potato stuffing, home made vanilla ice cream, and white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
This will be the first year in a while that we are going to my dad's. The last few years, I have cooked everything but the turkey- hubby has been frying it. But this year- she will do it all. I like to make fresh cranberry relish, sweet potatoes with marshmallows and mashed potatoes!
Sure! Funny you ask about the cookies. Those are my biggest tradition. I make about 8 dozen of them because I give them out to friends. Those who are on the 'cookie concession' have already been inquiring. The boss even let me work from home most of last week so I could get the construction work done on the house. He was concerned that cookie production might be impacted by all that.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
The boss rocks! I have not decided what all I'm making this year. I'll have the normal turkey... I have that smoked at the local BBQ joint... a ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, cheese mashed potatoes, and just for Pambo... Stove Top Stuffing. Of course there will be pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce (jellied... again for Pambo). I'm just not sure what else. These last few years I've been feeding 20+ people, but this year will be much smaller. I'm not having the inlaws over since they elected to treat me very badly this year.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Nope we never have to have Thanksgiving at our place. We are always the travelers. I don't care for turkey unless it is deep fried but I never get that option because no one else does it. This year it is at my sister's. We all boycotted having it at Mom's because they get crap! turkey loaf and some other awful thing.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"