I know most of you are HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE Madonna fans, so I just wanted to remind you that tonights the night they're airing Madonna's concert on TV in wide-screen, high definition, surround sound!
yeah it ticks me off when artists get like that. "Everyone wants to hear this song and I am just sick of it" Hello, this song and these people made you!
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 15:56, 2006-11-22
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I imagine watching it on a big screen adds a lot to the impact, but I have to say,
I am really impressed at this Madonna concert! I have REALLY come to dislike her the last decade or so, and she's still pi**ing me off with some of this crap (like wearing a crown of thorns on stage), but this is an amazing concert!
I hope it comes out on DVD.
The dancing is amazing, the choreography as always is impeccable, the light show is the best I've ever seen, and she looks and sounds great (voice isn't quite what it once was, but still pretty darn good).