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Post Info TOPIC: Black Friday shopping

Chairman Of The Board

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Black Friday shopping

Good morning All ~ The stores out here in the Boise Idaho area openned at 5am this morning.  I did not even go near the mall or BIG BOX stores and was at work at 4:30am.  I am leaving early (12:30). 

Did anyone get any good bargains?


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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I thought about going to Menards this morning but then my medication started working and told the voices to go away.....

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Chairman Of The Board

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A coworker just came into work after coming from Best Buy.  They got in line yesterday afternoon at 4pm and was # 5 in line at that time.  They got some good deals but she looks pretty tired. 


Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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StevieB wrote:

A coworker just came into work after coming from Best Buy.  They got in line yesterday afternoon at 4pm and was # 5 in line at that time.  They got some good deals but she looks pretty tired. 

I don't care how much money they just isn't worth it!


The Good Witch Of The South


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I agree- not worth it! I got online at 5:30 though and bought the boy a 5GB MP3 player for 88 bucks! We did go out for a bit later- once with the kids and once with the hubby- needed someone to help put the Barbie Jeep in the van!

We are having a tax free two days- today and tomorrow, so I am trying to buy my big purchases this weekend.


Permanent Vacation

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Where'd you get that mp3 player from Ruby? I'm looking to get my sister a smaller one and hoping to find something under $40 (but I'm not holding my breath or braving the stores today).




The Good Witch Of The South


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Shh, but Walmart. My hubby said they had some at either Best Buy or Target for 20 bucks, they were 512MB. He does not understand the concept of memory.


Permanent Vacation

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Eh, my sister is 14 and won't even get an mp3 player if I don't get one for her, so I'm not as concerned about getting her a bunch of memory. I'll have to check that out. Thanks!




The Good Witch Of The South


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I just looked at Amazon, they have a few good deals too!


Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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You guys missed on ALOT!!!!!!!!!!

remember that as one of the many of thousands of employees at the malls waiting for the customers ( and by god they showed) It was not as bad as most make it out to seem. They opened a Super Wal Mart next to the Mall here in Tulsa so that was a hectic situation. I waited at Macys for some jewelry for my mother and was in and out in 10 minutes. 


Please dont misunderstand, It was packed, the roads were crowded, and people were all over but for the most part it was pretty calm. ( I sold 8 trains at 135.00 a pop and 6 christmas trees plus china and several ornaments and in 7 hours had done over 1300.00) not bad.


I have to be at work at 845 tomorrow so I am whipped

The best thing this side of a stove

Grand Poobah


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the stores would have to pay ME to go shopping today. NO WAY!!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Chocolate Pip Cookie

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I'm a woman and I HATE SHOPPING


Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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I went to Lowe's today for a Christmas tree, pre-lit for $25 bucks.  I had to return the first one, the base was broken.  Now it's in the living room set up w/ no decorations or ornaments.  I'm saving it for Kaisha to do.


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Grand Poobah


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is that something she enjoys or is that a "task"?

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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She enjoys it, I'm not fond of it!


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Doesn't Do Windows

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I'm watching the latest episode of This is the "Holiday Edition". They are talking about a lot of smaller electronic gift ideas. If you're thinking of a digital camera, mp3 player, etc, download the video and watch it:


Bad Biker Granny

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I braved 2 different stores yesterday, but well after the "door buster" crowd had their way with them.  I've done the "door buster" thing twice, and probably will never do it again.  The first time was at the Wal-Mart in Granbury, TX. That wasn't so bad and I did get the DVD player that I went for.  The second time was here in Olathe. I stood in line at Best Buy for 2 hours to get a digital camera, only to find that the store only had like 5 of them and had given out tickets for them to the people who were waiting in line at 1AM.  I enjoy a bargain just as much as the next person, but I refuse to get up that early and wait in line for 5 or 6 hours for the store to open in the freezing cold.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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I forgot to tell you about the other store I went to.  It is a small, locally owned jewelry store called Lillian's.  They deal in previously owned jewelry.  I have heard some radio spots for them, so I thought I'd check them out.  Used jewelry... 50% off... that just screams "Mema come see me!"  So, I wander the whole store. They have some really beautiful stuff.  I decide to check out the ring I liked best. The lady comes over and unlocks the cabinet... I point out the ring I'd like to look at.  It's a tourmaline and diamond ring in a platinum band. Very nice. I'm expecting it to be somewhere in the $600 area given the 50% off sale. WRONG!  My first hint was when the lady said to me as she was reaching for the ring, "Might I say ma'am, you obviously have EXCELLENT taste in jewelry." This ring is fabulous... so I look at the little tag... $28,000.00!?!?!!!!!  OUCH!


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Mad Mema wrote:

I forgot to tell you about the other store I went to.  It is a small, locally owned jewelry store called Lillian's.  They deal in previously owned jewelry.  I have heard some radio spots for them, so I thought I'd check them out.  Used jewelry... 50% off... that just screams "Mema come see me!"  So, I wander the whole store. They have some really beautiful stuff.  I decide to check out the ring I liked best. The lady comes over and unlocks the cabinet... I point out the ring I'd like to look at.  It's a tourmaline and diamond ring in a platinum band. Very nice. I'm expecting it to be somewhere in the $600 area given the 50% off sale. WRONG!  My first hint was when the lady said to me as she was reaching for the ring, "Might I say ma'am, you obviously have EXCELLENT taste in jewelry." This ring is fabulous... so I look at the little tag... $28,000.00!?!?!!!!!  OUCH!

So.... did you get it?!?


Bad Biker Granny

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That would be NO! All three of my vehicles together aren't worth that much!!  I exited the store without any new baubles. The least expensive item I looked at was a citrine ring, I'd guess the stone at around 1/3 carat... she told me she could "let it go" for $1800.  I couldn't rescue it for that.

-- Edited by Mad Mema at 13:17, 2006-11-25


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Lord of the Lair

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OK, first of all  who is shopping at the giant blue enemy of Wal-Mart.  Traitor to me, your country and everything else.

Also know the feeling Mema.  I looked at a necklace for my wife's birthday--today--  I thought I would go out with a last hurrah and had them pull the necklace out.  It was an abolutely georgeous combination of diamonds and sapphires.  My wife loves them both.  I told her to go ahead and ring it up.  Dummy here misread the price tag.  It 61555.00.  I thought it was six grand.

So she gets a card instead.



2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Happy birthday to your wife CP!!!

You have to understand about Wal-Mart CP, most of us are working poor You gotta admit they DO sell EVERYTHING at the best prices

But fear not, I hardly EVER shop there.


Lord of the Lair

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They are complete dogs and people that shop their are shopping their way to the unemployment line.  I wrote my Thesis on The Evil Blue Empire and its impact on manufacturing in the United States, coupled with its long term economic impact--you know like the Democrats.  Never realized until its too late so we vote back in the Republicans to clean up the mess.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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But they have tube socks 3 pair for $2.97

I know what you're saying though. We're saving money now at our own expense down the line.

You DO have to admit though that they respond to community pressure. They brought back Christmas this year (which they never should have dumped in the first place), and they have really beefed up their insurance offerings, their pay rates, and worked hard to become a better place to work.

We actually lost two drivers recently to Wal-Mart solely because their insurance and pay was so good.

It's the downside of a free market CP. A company get's big and becomes a monster. What's the alternative? Government restrictions on how large a company can become? Government oversight and how the store does it's buying and regulation on the price it pays for that merchandise? Government price controls to make sure everyone can compete fairly?

All those solutions sound an awful lot like something the Democrats would jump for joy over


Lord of the Lair

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Mark my words though.  The evil blue empire will fall and they will fall hard.  I give them another 10 years before the true revolt happens.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I think you're right. Anything that gets that big is sure to have a collapse at some point. The question is will they survive it or not?

I'm so torn on Big Blue. I do think they try to be responsible citizens. I do think they listen to their critics and are constantly trying to correct their own path. I think they're the biggest TARGET in this entire country (my God, they get sued something like every 30 minutes by every yahoo that thinks if they lay on the floor of a Walmart they can get a cash settlement).

It's "in style" to hate them right now.

BUT. I do think they mercilessly drive out small businesses in every community they go to, and I think that long term that has hurt us as a country.

Did you see the story on the news about their meat? They're one of the companies that treat it with a chemical to keep it pink/red. They took some Wal-Mart ground beef and it was still pinkish/red, looked totally fresh TWO WEEKS after the expiration date, but when you opened the package it was completely rancid

That's what you get when you're dealing in that kind of volume and trying to cut every last corner to offer the best prices.


Doesn't Do Windows

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I agree they are causing problems, but I'm not sure if I see the fall coming.

In small communities, when the last store they consider "competition" closes, their prices go up. This has been proven many times. Its wrong and we all hate it but yet for most of us that's not enough.

I'm guilty myself. Even though we don't like the way they do business, when we are in a town with a Walmart and we need supplies, we know we can save money on the same brand name items there. We always feel guilty about shopping there. We have even seen someone we know from our town and gone down another isle to not "get caught" in the big evil store . . . but if we save enough money by going there to buy our lunch, then hey, we got a free lunch. Its really hard not to chose the lower prices when funds are tight.

The reason I question "the fall" is that there are way more people in this country that are on limited budgets looking to save money than there are people that are willing to spend more money elsewhere because of principal. I don't see that changing any time soon. I think it would have to get really bad before principal wins over the dollar with a majority of people.


Bad Biker Granny

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Sorry, CP. I try not to shop Wal-Mart whenever possible.  Most of my shopping dollars tend to go elsewhere, but sometimes they are the only place with what I need.

My current issue with them tends to be another employee treatment issue. A few of the Wal-Mart employees bring their cars to my shop, including one disabled gentleman.  I got talking with him last weekend and learned that apparently ALL of the employees with disabilities, though previously employed and working at the store, were sent home and required to remain off work until such time as they could bring in new statements from their doctors stating specifically their limitations, restrictions, and an explanation of their disabilities. To me, this is absurd. If you have a guy in a wheel chair with obviously atrophied legs... guess what... he can't walk or stand. Yes, his wheel chair is medically necessary. Yes, he can still perform the functions of a door greeter as he was hired for. 

I guess the new attendance policy also requires employees to call to the home office in Arkansas if they are going to be sick or even late to work. Calling their store manager or shift manager is not sufficient. So, in the long run, the manager in question may not find out for hours what is going on with a missing employee.

Ridiculous! All of it is ridiculous.  


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Lord of the Lair

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That tears it Mema.  To hear a story like that truly makes me sick.  I don't care how poor I get, I will never let another penny of mine go to that evil giant empire.


Lord of the Lair

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I missed the one part of your blurb JR.  You of course are assuming that the Republicans are running the country.  As you know for now, Wal-Mart is safe.

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