The physics behind the playground swing is quite fascinating. To imagine that a person can continue to remain in a pendulum type motion without even touching any fixed structure is quite interesting.
Its all about the science.
Yeah, thats it . . . science.
I hope someday, they study the "store/release" of energy in a trampoline. Kari on a trampoline. Yeah, more science.
Did mad scientists come into your village as a young girl and perform all kinds of terrible violence and horrible mayhem which resulted in deep emotional wounds and an everlasting fear of all things physics?
To take your mind off it would you like to go jump on the trampoline a while? Us guys will stand around and watch and be ready to catch just in case you fall. We're good that way.
Hey Woo! You know where I am the most popular thing to have in this town in trampolines!! There is even one in my backyard. 8 out of 10 people have them. Why...I do not know?
But I love science and I love mythbusters...faithfully watch it every week until now!! Can't get it on tv anymore