I always want to do something like that but I'm too anal to actually pull it off. I'd spend ten weeks arranging and rearranging and then wondering if I had the order all wrong.
It's always interesting though to see someone elses thoughts on the best of the year like this
PS. I AM SO FRICKIN' EXCITED ABOUT THAT FIRST SEASON OF SNL I CAN BARELY STAND IT! I haven't gotten it yet because someone asked me to let them get it for me for Christmas. The wait is KILLING ME!
the SNL DVD is amazing, but beware that there is a missing commercial (not too much a biggie to me but I know a lot of people are very anal retentive about that) in one of the episodes, but it's definately worth owning and hopefully we'll see a few more sets in 2007, but it all depends on how well the inaugural set performs. I personally would like all the seasons up until around the time Farley and Sandler came in, to me that was when SNL began to lose it's freshness, I don't care what people say, I liked the Charles Rocket era episodes in a "so bad it's good" way.
I am also very excited that season two sets for Happy Days, Mork And Mindy and Laverne And Shirley are coming out in April, it's been over 2 1/2 years since season 1 came out for those three
not sure, perhaps the footage is lost. I know Universal spent a ton of money clearing music rights and the sort so I don't think it was anything too big. There's minor controversy that the bumpers are missing (like before or after a sketch, there's a candid shot of the host or musical guest) but I never saw that as a major loss since a lot of shows had bumpers in the 70's and 80's that didn't make it to the DVD releases. I hope we see at least season 2 and 3 in 2007, if not more. There's just way too many seasons for SNL to only release one set a year. Every era has it's fans so I'm sure we'll see the Eddie Murphy seasons, and then the Dana Carvey seasons, and the Adam Sandler years, and Will Ferrell, and so on.. But it's definately the first 15 years I want