the 3 year old nephew of one of my once-closest friends was kidnapped the other day in NYC. I actually had a major falling out with him awhile back but I found out from a mutual friend and really feel bad, I wish I could help in any way. He is very close to his nephew too, he loves him like it's his own son, so I am really hoping this has a happy ending even if we haven't been on speaking terms in quite some time. When you hear about things like this, it puts into perspective how petty little arguments really are. I don't know much except for a few blurry details but I am praying and crossing my fingers that everything comes out okay because I remember the way Eric was when his nephew was born, he grew so attached to the little guy and his nephew always brightened up his face and I really feel bad this is happening.
Wow Anf, that's horrible. Has this become a national story yet? I've never understood how one kidnapping becomes a major news story and another doesn't. I wonder if it will show up on our amber alert system.
not sure if it's gone national yet or not. I don't know his first name, just that his last name is Amodie (since that's my former friends' last name, and the nephew is his brothers son)