Speaking of....as I was watching 5 hours of Pearl Harbor in Color, on the History channel last night as I was remembering the men that died for our country, did anyone else see these shows? Truly amazing heroes......
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I watched what I could, I was too busy chasing little A it was cool though! The color in 1941 was pretty good I was amazed with the quality of the film at that time.
CP, no need to censor yourself here. You weren't yelling at anyone, you were just expressing a viewpoint.
I think you're right, it is sad that some of these days go by without notice.
I tried to make a real effort every Memorial Day & Veterans Day to just call my father and simply say "Thank You".
I'm not much for posting a big thread about something unless something specific brings it to my mind, but that's what Dave used to be for. He was our historian and the one that made sure we never forgot. We miss Dave for that :/