Hey JR just a quick question, i was downloading the latest live 365 player and noticed a few stations playin at 128k! is cd64k mp3pro the same sound as the 128k? they didnt have mp3pro.
That's part of it. You pay more for bandwith. 128 would cost twice as much as 64.
But the BIG difference is if you're a pro station you have to pay royalties DIRECTLY to Soundexchange instead of through Live365, so besides paying Live365 broadcast fees (which are huge if you've got 1000 or more listener slots) you also pay a minimum of $2500 a year in royalties (probably a lot more if you actually have 1000 listeners at a time).
If we ever grow the station to a decent size we'll have no choice but to include SOME advertising But it will be a good problem to have to deal with if it ever happens