As Santa Claus gets his sleigh and reindeer ready to start travelling around the land of New Zealand and the land of Jules it's flipping chilly here in the UK 36.6 degrees F (2.6 C) and slowly rising. the heating never came on this mornng but Mark got it going again thanks goodness - it was just the pilot light gone out - but that is something I'm clueless about-I must get him to show me what to do...
He's a star - he took the girls on a steam train Santa Special yesterday...I didn't go...darned train would be full of giddy or screaming kids!- went food shopping instead ()
Few plans today...need to warm up first...then just the usual household chores....and not forgetting a moment to think Happy Birthday thoughts for our very own Ruby and another of my friends here
Have a great Christmas eve everyone..spare a though for the birth of a special baby boy once long ago in Bethlehem...the greatest Gift of all....and the reason we have Christmas... and in case I don't get back on I hope each and everyone of you, whatever your beliefs have a peaceful, safe and blessed Christmas and that you all find a moment for yourselves to relax
I am such a bah Humbug...I hate all the glitz and money grabbing commercialised side of it.
I like it bes when the kids spend it with their dad, I Love the kids to bits but i hate the being jolly bit...I feel i have to try though cos I want them to at least have pleasant positive toughts about Christmas...
When they go to their dad's, Mark and I just chill through the day and then go out for a Curry in the evening!!
I'm getting ready to head out for worship team practice. It should be a special day being Christmas Eve Sunday and the church will be full with all the "kids" coming home for the holidays. If you want to listen in this morning, the live feed is still HERE.
We've got church this morning, later today at my mother-in-law's, back to church for a short candlelight service, then out to the farm to my dad's for supper and gifts. Tomorrow it is just our family here at home. The boy is really excited to see what Santa is going to bring him this year.
I gotta get moving . . . hope you have a great day!
Merry Christmas to you too Jules!! I hope you're enjoying yourself on your holiday; must be so nice to have a month to travel around.
By the way, Australia is the country I'd most love to visit. My cousin and her hubby used to live up around Darwin--he was in the US Air Force and was stationed there with the Royal Air Force, I believe. She took care of orphaned joeys and would send pictures to my girls--they got a huge kick out of it, thought it was so cool that people could do that there. Sometime if you're out and about taking pics, I'd love to see some of them, if you'd care to share them with me.
Sandy...I'd love to share my pics with you! I have been currently trying to upload my pics into a blog on my myspace but have been having some problems with it! Just log onto my myspace now and again and soon they will be there for you to have a look at!
Darwin is up on top of Australia with me...if I look over from the Cape I could wave to Darwin!! Such beautiful country!! You would very much love it!
If you ever want to come to Australia...let me know and I would be happy to show you around Weipa if you ever came that way! All crocodile territory up in Northern Australia so hope you like them!!
Yes...come to Australia for a visit...would love to say hi!
I am at the beginning of a busy day. I have to do last minute shopping. We have to pick up the BF's daughter at 1:00 today and we have her until 7:00 tonight. We're doing a Christmas Eve thing at the BF's parent's house. And we're meeting up w/ a couple later who are our very good friends for a late night "nightcap".
So I hope you all have a very nice, and SAFE holiday, and don't forget the cookies and milk out for Santa!