Just stopping in to remind you that I will not be around. I have all this payroll to tackle now that I am back at work. I will be listening though. Have a good day!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I get one more day of "vacation". School doesn't start back until tomorrow so I'll be working from home with the boy today. Right now, we are comfy, warm and watching a Scooby Doo movie.
I went out to the shop yesterday. I spent a hard two hours blowing snow there. That was no fun. I probably should have called someone with a tractor to come do that since there was so much.
Sorry about the server troubles, JR. Hopefully they will be back up soon.
We are technically not working today. Our part of the office is just acting like we are working. I'm busy redrawing a cd insert, personal stuff. Next, I will be putting together my running log, and updating my burger manual (I eat burgers then, write about my experiences or in some cases lack there of) Our final day of entertaining for the holidays will be on this Saturday. That means Sunday is tree dismantling time! I get my porch back.
2006 was some kinda year.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
It looks like its a good thing we are home anyway. The boy just stood up, put his hand over his mouth, got a scared look on his face and spewed. He just had some red juice. I tried to get as much as I could out of the carpet. He doesn't have a fever so I'm not sure what the deal is with him.
Web, I remember one time as a kid when that happened to me. My stepdad picked me up from the babysitters, and I told him I was feeling quesy. He told me to just let him know if it stays, goes away, etc. since we were headed out to go camping. We got to the trailer at the campground and were eating supper, and I told him that I was quesy again, then spewed all over the table. That was not pleasant. I was also drinking red kool-aid beforehand. I don't drink kool-aid any more.
Today, our office is closed so I'm off of work. Brian also took the day off, and we were going to go get his teeth fixed. I double checked with the flex card company before Christmas to make sure I could still use it today, and that I could charge that much at one time. They said it was fine. (We have a 3 month extension on our flex plan.) So of course, before they work on his teeth, I go to charge it all on my flex card, and it doesn't work. I flip the card over to call the number on the back, and there is no number! The nice receptionist looks up the card company online so I can get the number, I call it, and an automated response tells me to call my plan administrator and hangs up! So, the really nice patient receptionist looks up my plan administrator for me, I call them, and their office is closed today! So, Brian's teeth still aren't done, and I'm afraid I'm going to lose $1200 of my flex money.
Then I get home and go to the computer to check the flex account online (it was fine yesterday, but still I wanted to check again, not that it'll do me any good), and my DSL is down. So I run to work to use the internet there, the flex account is fine, and I lookup the dialup number that I can use for the internet.
When I come back home, I figured I'd try calling SBC (da dum dum!) to see if there's an outage and when it might be back on. I jump through their hoops for an hour (restarting the computer, turning the power to the modem off, unplugging things), until finally they get word that my whole area is out. They think it'll be back on in a couple hours.
So now I'm on dial up again until SBC can straighten their sheet out.