I'm really excited about the station upgrades I'll be making tonight while JD is on the air.
We've cleaned off two hard drives and will now have a DOUBLE back up of the entire request list and broadcast software. This is HUGE for us. Until a little while ago we never had any backups (other than all the music being on DVD's, but restoring it after a crash was extremely time consuming). These backups SHOULD ensure that next time we have a crash we're back on the air within 24 - 48 hours, not WEEKS like what happened in October.
But the most exciting news is this! We've added one massive external harddrive and I've started the process of loading ALL 5,000 albums in our library to it in their ENTIRETY. Once this is completed the following benefits will be had:
When a DJ is in the studio they'll have one-click access to over 100,000 tracks not listed on the request list! From album cuts, to live versions or alternate takes! This is gonna be HUGE for JD on Underground 80's and College Daze. Right now he makes almost no use of the library because he's never been entirely comfortable with it, but this makes it much easier for him to grab anything he wants and play it without leaving the drivers seat
When someone asks us to add a song to the request list that we already have in our CD Library we can do it INSTANTLY! No need to wait until we have time to convert them, make sure they're tagged and transfer them. It will all be ready and waiting, again for the click of a button.
The newest singles by artists will be extremely easy to add for the same reasons outlined in number two.
We will be able to rotate our collection easily now, putting for example, EVERY song The Police ever recorded onto the request list for a set time period (perhaps 30 days) and then removing them. Our software would even allow us to add these deep cuts with a limit of say 1 play per song. After it's been requested and played once, it's automatically removed from the request list!
This is a VERY cool upgrade I'm extremely excited about. I'm hoping to have it operational within the next two weeks!
Hey JR, hows it goin? ive been gettin rid off bugs and cleanin my laptop hard drive as well. thats been the problem this week,
JR in the next couple of weeks FFR will have 100,000 tracks in the studio WOW! that must be more than the PRO stations have! Will this mean for example a track by Bad English-The restless ones could be added right away in a few weeks? that would be cool!
Yes, both of your fav's would be instantly accessible during our live shows. And if we wanted to add some of it to the request list it would be as simple as click n' drag