Hey, it is the last Sunday in January 2007. Spring will be trying to push its way in before long.
I hope it comes soon, its a cold 1 degree here this morning.
I'm getting ready to go to praise team practice again this morning. It will be fun today, we'll be leading two "rockin" songs and two soft, worshipful ones. It is going to be a big church day though. After our normal service, we have a potluck and annual meet'n. There's no major fights going on that I'm aware of, so hopefully the meet'n will be a smooth, quick one without huge discussions on things that have to be voted on.
Hello all!! As you are having Sunday...well...it's Monday here ! But I expect no sympathy from you all...hahaha
The school year has started again which means...a whole bunch of unsmiling kids being marched to school much to parent's relief after a couple of months of holidays/vacation!! Which means for me...back to work as well! I'm counting down my last few days of holidays as my working year starts next Monday. It's been a long crazy adventure for me these past few months so looking forward to getting into a bit of normality for a while!
This next week is either going to drag by or fly by for you Jules!
Good day all. So far, I've got up and checked on the turtle, and that's about it. Brian's friend didn't come over last night,so we still don't know if the turtle has a name.
good sunday morning... paying bills online while i have some peace & quiet. may not last for long. had a horrible headache that kept me in bed from 2yeserday until 8 this morning; feels like it's coming back... i just want to sleep all day...
that turtle is really cool, mz! my brother once had a turtle named which he named prince albert cos he always hid out in a coffee can in his tank...
smiles everyone! smiles...
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)