Ultimo...good to see you've got your priorities in order!
Anyway, just got our first possible cyclone warning of the season for the Cape York/Gulf of Carpentaria region! A possible cyclone may develop after Friday that they are keeping a close watch on!!!!
Everyone is now anxiously awaiting that barge to get in on Friday with supplies so it is going to be a madhouse at the shop on Friday!! Have to get in early and buy more supplies because there is a chance that it will be the last for a while if this cyclone surfaces!!!
Crossing fingers that it will just fizzle out!
Well have a good Tuesday everyone! Looks like I may have a day of sunshine here for today so going to make the most of it!
Everyone is kinda a little edgey about it right now...the local aboriginal people are usually not wrong and they are agreeing with the bureau of meteorology for once. We'll see though.
Hello everyone, the big cheeses are here today to put us through Hell. The good thing about it is we get a free lunch! The bad thing is I probably won't get a chance to be on here.
I too have to have my 6 month dental cleaning today at 3:30. No cavities though! See
Oh and it's -3 right now with a high of 8.
-- Edited by Sparky at 07:24, 2007-01-30
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
My husband had to be up a bit earlier today to get to his class. So I set the alarm for 5:45am so that he could get the heater going in the bathroom and come back to bed. Apparently at some point he must of not hit the snooze and turned off the alarm because he got up at almost 6:30 when he was supposed to be up a little bit after 6. I am normally in the shower at the time he got in. So it was a bit hectic this morn. Then the wonderful drivers on our not very slippery roads were very annoying. It did get slippery the closer I got to work but you would of thought that it was bad roads the whole way by the way everyone was driving.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"