Hey, if anyone has some really bad jokes to share - nothing too racy or gross - I'm competing with some coworkers for the worst joke of the month. Does anyone have a real groaner for me? {{lol}}
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
What do you call a horse that likes arts and crafts?
A hobby horse.
What did one plate say to the other?
Lunch is on me.
A hungry African lion came across two men. One was sitting under a tree and reading a book; the other was typing away on his typewriter. The lion pounced on the man reading the book and devoured him. Even the king of the jungle knows that readers digest and writers cramp.
Kids say the darndest things !!! The first three are jokes my girls told me at one time or another....the last one came from work earlier this week. haha.
The local paper was having "the best pun" contest so a guy sent in his 10 best puns. He was really hoping one of them would win, but no pun in ten did.
Wow, you guys are awesome! I think I can truly say these are going to be hard to beat for the worst joke of the month! {{lol}} Thanks for your help and keep them coming!
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Oh those are soooo bad! {{lol}} just to contribute, this was my sister's favorite joke to tell as a litle girl (she was darn proud of it and made it up herself)...
Why did the fox cross the road? It was tied to the chicken...
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"