Good morning, all. It is FREAKIN' COLD in Kansas today. A whopping 6 degrees. Guess I shouldn't complain though... I'd take that over the devastation that hit Florida yesterday.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
It's errand day today for me. Time to battle w/ the BF's 3 year old and try to get the whole house cleaned up, while she basically makes a mess of it right afterwards.
Good Saturday to all, it's -4 here and the kiddo and I are gonna hole up in the house and play all day. Right now I.m watching a cheesey 80 movie with Roddy Piper and Keith David (not to be confused with David Keith) called "They Live"
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
Sparky wrote: Good Saturday to all, it's -4 here and the kiddo and I are gonna hole up in the house and play all day. Right now I.m watching a cheesey 80 movie with Roddy Piper and Keith David (not to be confused with David Keith) called "They Live"
Ah yes... a cinematic classic if it stars Roddy Piper!! LMAO... I believe I too have witnessed the spectacle that is "They Live".
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Good day all! After 2 days of rushing around plus partying, my body feels like it's been beat with a baseball bat. My husband is still in bed! When he gets up, we'll make a grocery list and I'll brave the world. But for now, I think I'm just going to chill in front of the computer for a while.
Mad Mema wrote: Okay, so it was really bad. But hey... I used to watch WWF and Rowdy Roddy was one of my favorites.
I did too, then when I was 14 they came to town and a friend and I paid $20 bucks to go see the WWF, I kept saying Hey! He didn't even hit that guy! Wait a minute.....he didn't even really kick that guy!!! I think it was more devastating to me than finding out Santy Clause wasn't real.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
Had a reasonable day...Got my hair chopped off and the girls trimmed too. Then Mark, Martha and I went to the Footie..(ok soccer) and watched our team get totally mauled! Then Rachel joined us and we ate at the pub near the cinema (and my Cajun Chicken was excellent!!!!!). Then we went to the cinema to watch Martha's choice: "Arthur and the Invisibles" which she coughed and sniffed all the way through...she was sent to bed with medicine to bring down a high temp almost as soon as we got home Hope she's better for school on Monday!!
I suppose I better post in the today thread. I'm almost too late though.
We had a pretty typical day, not much to report . . . just cold . . . really cold. A total of 3 right now.
Gotta get up early as usual for praise team practice at church. I think I heard something about a football game being on TV tomorrow. I might try to catch the end of that too if I'm not napping.