What a glorious night it was, It was a long day for me, we moved house during the day Sunday but I was determend to sit up and watch the Superbowl no matter what, and I did, I was up till 3:30 am watching the game, I haven't been a Colts fan all that long only my second season and I don't have much access to watch the games right now but I was so pleased that they won, after that first touchdown by the Bears from the kick off I had to admit I was a bit scared of what might happen but the Colts soon settled down and I enjoyed every minute of the game. Manning was great and Rhodes and Addai were great too.
I am so gonna watch a lot more games next season, I haven't really watched a full game for a long time, I had forgot how much I enjoy the game.
Anyway I am sorry to all the Bears fans but I think the Colts deserved it on the day.