I used to ride on the back of my husband's bike with him....his was half Triumph, half Harley, making it a low rider....think it was a '69. I stopped riding after our first daughter was born, and he sold his bike after our second one was born......we needed a pickup to haul the camper around and also would seat all four us, so he used the money from his bike as a down payment an extended cab pickup.
Even though I rode with him, I wasn't that keen on it......I didn't like not having control of the bike. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I had my own bike to ride.
I'm not a big fan of motorcycles, because of the fatalities I have seen working here, I just know that so many motorcycle riders are not at fault. It's usually the car that hits them, or the sand on the side of the road that they lose control.
But I am a big fan of "American Chopper", Paulie, Jr. is just so darn cute!!
Try as I might, it is difficult for me to make it to the Forum during the week. I really do miss you guys.
Somewhere I have pictures of my bike and me riding it around my neighborhood. Kevin thought that was just too much fun to take pictures of. It was a nice bike... lowered 3 inches from factory standard, Vance & Hines long shot pipes, turquoise paint job... heavy sigh.... some day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Mad Mema wrote: Try as I might, it is difficult for me to make it to the Forum during the week. I really do miss you guys.
Somewhere I have pictures of my bike and me riding it around my neighborhood. Kevin thought that was just too much fun to take pictures of. It was a nice bike... lowered 3 inches from factory standard, Vance & Hines long shot pipes, turquoise paint job... heavy sigh.... some day.
Wow, your bike sounds like it was really incredible! Did you like to do a lot of touring? Any great rides you've been on?
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
I wish I could tell you that there were, but I only had the bike for about a year. We didn't get the chance to travel much. My favorite ride was a very boring little trip around a local park with a huge lake. It wasn't a long ride, but it was really pretty. We got the bike before I had a license to ride it, so I was just gearing up for the long trip sort of thing, but then we ended up selling it. I'll get another some day.
Odd as it sounds, there is one place I really do want to go for a bike ride... Down George Washington Parkway by D.C., sometime in the early morning hours when there is very little traffic. It is just beautiful there!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I wish I could tell you that there were, but I only had the bike for about a year. We didn't get the chance to travel much. My favorite ride was a very boring little trip around a local park with a huge lake. It wasn't a long ride, but it was really pretty. We got the bike before I had a license to ride it, so I was just gearing up for the long trip sort of thing, but then we ended up selling it. I'll get another some day.
Odd as it sounds, there is one place I really do want to go for a bike ride... Down George Washington Parkway by D.C., sometime in the early morning hours when there is very little traffic. It is just beautiful there!
That sounds like an awesome ride! My favorite ride was along the northern Mississippi River run - weaving along the river from Wisconsin/Minnesota border down to around Iowa/Illinois. It was so beautiful with all the bluffs and seeing the carp run and the eagles and hawks flying! I do like the Dragon's Tail too - Deals' Gap is amazing! When you get a bike, you should definitely make that ride a priority!
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"