Heino's eyes are burning through the back of my skull, so as I said, I'm dedicated to task! What are the rules of engagement? you said that Heino stays until "the entire 1st page is all new posts." How long? What constitutes new? the gloves are off...set the rules of engagement! {{lol}}
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Yes, I expect to see a full page of new posts (or atleast updated posts) tomorrow by let's say, one PM my time.
Then we'll lose our Heino.
Of course, it can't just be pointless bumping. there must be actual conversation going at some level. Even if it's just goofiness (which is usually the best anyway).
Like I said, there was a time not so long ago when the entire first page was newly posted stuff by 10 AM. So 1 PM is a very easy to reach goal.