MzHartz wrote: Please post pics Ray, I keep hearing about what it's like up there but haven't seen it.
There's not that much snow here at all, but there's tons of ice. IU is even closed until noon! A lot of people lost power from all the ice.
Darlene, it looks like it's headed your way next!
So far nothing close to what they predicted. A dusting this morning on the ground, that's about it. Now they are saying rain...... I wish it would snow, we want to use the new snow blower we bought back in September, we haven't even had a chance to use it yet....
I could have used a snow blower last night. I waited till the ice had changed back to snow before shoveling out the drive. I think that was a mistake. It took Jenny, Britt and myself nearly 2 hours to shovel it out.
Man Darlene, I hope you don't get what we got. A snowblower is pretty useless right now. We've probably got less than an inch of snow, but at least an inch of ice.
I heard someone say the other day that this winter seems like what every winter used to be like in the 70's. After I thought about it, that does seem true. I remember we used to get 3 or 4 big blizzards every winter. I remember every spring the big thaw with the snow water running and filling the creeks to overflow. Its not been that way for a long time.
I heard someone say the other day that this winter seems like what every winter used to be like in the 70's. After I thought about it, that does seem true. I remember we used to get 3 or 4 big blizzards every winter. I remember every spring the big thaw with the snow water running and filling the creeks to overflow. Its not been that way for a long time.
I'd have to agree with that Web. I remember getting big, big snowstorms here in least 4 or 5 per winter along with the really cold temperatures like we've had the past couple of weeks. I think a lot of people here where I live seem to have forgotten what a real Michigan winter is like.
I remember in the 70's all the so called "experts" saying we were on the verge of another Ice Age. Then Al Gore invented global warming and now we don't get the snow like we used to. Damn it Al!!!
I figured with the warm winter we were having sooner or later we would pay. The forecast is calling for warmer temps (upper 40's) by the end of next week.
We supposedly had a record snowfall for the day, somewhere around 6 inches. It wouldn't have been so bad but it was so darn cold! Usually it's one or the other - snowy or freezing - but we got a double whammy yesterday. I'm still trying to convince our director that seasonal offices in Cancun would be so beneficial for our operations. {{lol}}
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
That's impressive! I haven't been outside to see if any of the ice is melting. The sun's been shining and they've been salting like crazy, so it probably is. IU is back open. If my tai chi class isn't cancelled, I'll probably go.
The pickup started when I went back home for lunch. That meant I was able to get the snowblower back to the shop. We didn't get that much snow, but what we did get came with wind so it filled in the places where the snow had been cleaned out before.
So, one more time, I got to blow . . .
Around the shop:
Down the driveway:
And my sunny place to park:
I'm just thankful to have a decent snow blower that can handle moving this stuff.
I've got snowblower envy after last night. My wife said she wants us to get one so I don't have a heart attack shoveling snow one day. I told her if she shoveled I wouldn't have a heart attack.
Snowblowers are still work, but much easier that shoveling by hand. Mine was a gift from my mother-in-law when we bought our first house in Lincoln . . . gosh, that was like 16 years ago. We were on a corner lot with A LOT of sidewalk and driveway to do and my brother-in-law was in the small engine business so she got us this one through him. I've tried to take good care of it, and its been a good machine.
We may have a need for it once of twice a year. I'm not getting any younger though so maybe it's worth the investment. Especially if it saves the eventual heart attack. I know the girls might take a more active roll if they get to "play" with it.
WebGuy wrote: Just depends on how deep you insert it. I only took of the top of one finger. I could do that 9 more times.
When I read a thread that I've been looking at all day, I often click on it and hit the End key to be able to just read the last post. This post should not be taken out of context.