I went in for surgery on Feb 1. They discharged me two days later. That nite I woke my wife up in the middle of the niite and said, it feels like there is an anvil on my chest and I can't breathe. That was the last thing I remembered before I passed out. I hear they only had to use the paddles on me once. (charge to 300---- clear)
Apparently I fell in the 1% of people that develop post operative blood clots and the clot formed in my leg and went to my heart, then into my both lungs. The had me in intensive care for a week and then another12 or something days in a regular room. I finally could not take it any longer and signed out of the hospital last thursday. I can lay in my own bed just as good as the hospital bed. It is against Dr's orders becasue they put me on a heavy dose of coumadin. A normal blood score is between 2 and 3
/Right now I am at a 10.8, wich I learned meant my blood won't coagulate. So if I fall or anything I have a high risk of internal bleeding. just got back from the clinic because doc said if I notice any bruises to get there right away. I NEVER have had a bruise--I was too tough for that I guess.
I found a bunch on my stomach this morning so went for cat scan. everything ok and back home.
I learned what it really meant, I cut myself shaving, yes I know I am supposed to use an electric razor now. It's a pretty good cut on my chin. It took me about an hour to get it to stop bleeding.
I tire easily and have an army of meds next to my bed cause I caught pneumonia in the hospital. Yippee.
I just have to tell you that I am very glad to be alive. Although I look like an aids patient right now. I checked into the hospital weighing 207 pounds on my 6 1 frame. This morning I weighed in at 186. Lost 20 pounds in a month. At least my jeans are more loose now.