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Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Childhood Favorites

My sister and I were talking today about the silly things we liked and did as kids. So I got to thinking and wondered about all of you...

What was your favorite childhood game?
Favorite toy?
Did you have a nickname as a kid?

Just curious...

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

The Good Witch Of The South


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Great questions, but I need to think and I am 'on break' from wallpaper removal.

One thing- I did have a nickname that my parents only used- it was Moonie, but it did not mean anything!

How about you?


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Favorite game: Bloody murder at dusk! {{lol}} Twister was fun too.
Favorite toy: My Green Machine rocked!
Nickname: my family called me Tater Tot or Garbanzo Bean (I have no idea why) and my friends called me Orko (stupid breakdancing name back in the day)

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Grand Poobah


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I liked my bike.
Favorite game was probably tag, out back in the alley. either that or big-wheel & tricycle demolition derby.
No nickname that I recall......

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Big Wheels were awesome! That's why I liked my Green Machine so much. I loved slamming on the plastic brakes and skidding out just to crash into each other! {{lol}} I guess I was kinda rough for a little girl in pigtails and pink dresses, huh?

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Grand Poobah


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the green machine totally totally rocked!!
I am envious!
I bet all the boys were all "oooh" and "aaah".

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Yeah, they always wanted to ride my Green Machine. We used to play crazy! Haha!

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

The Good Witch Of The South


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I liked kick the can- we played almost every night til way past dark! Oh the good ole days!


Chocolate Pip Cookie

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I could spend ages out wih a ball in my hand or at my feet.I would play football...up against a wall if necessary. I loved just passing and catching too. And for the 2 or 3 years only that I had a bike I loved that too...sometimes it could be a horse or a motorbike....
Don't remember many toys really...loved footballs and tennis balls...
Didn't get a nickname till I was about 14..: Pip!



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First Nickname-Pee Wee
Second Nickname-Little Danny

Danny Eastman was almost five years older than me so, I was given those names to separate us.

Favorite toy:
Matchbox cars. You could blow them up, burn 'em, smash em with a hammer, drive around and say "hi" to guys named Joe. We were all named Joe. Is that because of the full size G.I. Joe we played with? (second fav)

Saturday morning cartoons. Road Runner, Bugs Bunny
Weekdays: Gilligan's Island, I dream of Genie, Bewitched (yum), Lost in Space, Star Trek, Batman, Green Hornet. We sure were lucky!
Weekends: Shock Theater, Midnight Special, Don Kirschner's Rock concert

I once had my license plate read, RETROMN then, FLOTRX (Speed Racer Reference)

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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3 things defined my childhood...




That sums it up


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Haha! You have to love the simple beauty of childhood! Oh legos were the coolest! Although my dad would beg to differ, given the number of them he stepped on in his bare feet! MTV? Who was your fave MTV celeb?

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Well, I of course was in love with Martha Quinn   I HAD to watch her everytime she was on.

I think my favorite part of MTV was the World Premeire video's and then how they would sometimes replay a new music video every hour on the hour all weekend long.

I watched Princes "Raspberry Beret" at the top of every hour all weekend long

Ooooooooooh, and I'll always remember when they premeired "Manic Monday" by the Bangles.  Those awesome eyes of Susanna Hoffs were mesmerizing.

The best part of all though was Patty Smyth, the nice little pink sweater in "Goodbye To You", the tough looking goofy costume in "The Warrior".

*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*   I MISS THOSE DAYS

As for lego's, I still remember trying to convince my mom that one day I'd live in a house that was built of lego's.  It just made sense.  It would be so easy to remodel  

My Mom used to take me to Gimbels downtown when they've had the lego fest and artists would come into town and build huge lego displays in the store.

Such good stuff


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Hahaha! Funny! For me, MTV was the bible of cool! Fashion, music, attitude. I never missed an opportunity to see Prince videos because I thought the little runt was so hot! {{lol}} I often executed my architectural masterpieces with legos, tinker toys, and lincoln logs all together! So what's the coolest thing you ever built with those beautiful chunks of plastic?

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Oooooooh, good idea!  Merging the logo's with other stuff!

I used to always make stuff I didn't want to tear apart, then I was stuck with no lego's until I did break it down.

When I was in grade school I wanted to be a reporter.  So much so that Father Joe used to call me "the reporter" everytime he saw me because it's all I talked about.

So one summer when my cousin slept over for an entire month I had the bright idea to write these little newspapers up in advance for an entire month.  I remember I was just guessing at what the weather would be three weeks down the road (much like meteorologists do today) and stuff like that.

Then I built a working newspaper box to put them in.  It actually had a big glass front (which was a sheet protector tucked into the logo frame and the coin/lock mechanism actually worked.

That was pretty cool.

I also recall a space shuttle setup I made being pretty cool.  It was before they started coming out with the specific kits that had all the rounded parts, so this was a crude version but still looked awful neat.

One of my favorite (albiet sad) lego stories is when I was upnorth with my cousin (the same one that slept over for a month).  He was never very good at building lego houses.  He wouldn't interlock the walls, so they would easily fall down.  And he never put floors on his lego houses.

So we were up north and caught frogs.  We put the frogs in our houses and watched em through the windows.

He had to go bathroom and asked me to watch his.  While he was gone I pulled his house closer so I could see his frog in there, but it was really hard to pull the house toward me.  I struggled a bit and finally got it next to me when I realized why it was so difficult.  He had no floor and I was dragging the poor frog across the carpet

I flipped it over and the frog must have got his butt caught between the lego wall and the carpet, it was beet red   I don't remember, but I'm sure it wound up dying.  I felt so bad

How about you?  You got some good ones?


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Good stories! I was an experimenter that tortured her Star Wars and Strawberry Shortcake figures relentlessly with my lego concoctions! I bult a lego ship once and sent Boba Fett out to "sea" (Green Lake), never to return from the watery depths when my little ship fell apart and got away from me. Dad didn't notice me launching it from the sailboat! {{lol}} I tried to build a skyscraper once and did pretty good but ran out of legos. Before I could continue with new legos, my sis, AKA the Baby Giant, sat on it and proceeded to try and eat the lego rubble. Oh, the doomed ambitions of a young lego architect! {{lol}}

Once, all the kids on my grandma's street and I tried to build a jump for our bikes (Big Wheels and my Green Machine) using our collective legos and a board. There were many skinned knees that day, and sadly no new Evil Knievil was born from the aftermath. Funny what ideas you get as a kid...

Did you grow up in Milwaukee? Were you a bicycle kid?

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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YES!  The "adventures" with Lego's!  I was so hyped up on the space shuttle, I remember once building a little shuttle to send into the sewer.  I attached a string to it and dropped it in, watched it sail down one of the tubes out of site. 

The string was tied to the grate, and four days later I pulled it back up.  It was all gross and stinky.  But I was all excited, like it had really done something cool :)

I did grow up in Milwaukee (West Allis) and Yes, I was a bicycle kid, all year long.  January and I'd be out there biking everywhere.  I wish I never stopped, I'd be in a lot better shape than I am today.

I can't believe you tried to build a ramp using lego's   That's NOT good use of your lego's young lady!


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I bet I'd get some looks tooling down my block on an adult Big Wheel!

It would be SOOOOOOOO cool to pull up next to some little kids on their big wheels and offer to race for pink slips

I did have one, but I usually passed on it in favor of the bike.


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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{{lol}} Each set of wheels had their place, to be sure. I had my bike for "big girl" riding, my Green Machine for crashing and tricks, and an antique pedal car for being the cool kid with the neat toy. It was my dad's when he was a kid. Dang was that thing slick, even if it was a bit slow!

So did you go through aany funny phases from your MTV days? Wear flight pants or a Michael Jackson glove? Take up breakdancing? {{lol}}

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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You know, I really didn't.  Looking back I wish I would have, but I was very anti-fashion.

I didn't follow any trends really.

Which is suprising because I loved shows like Miami Vice and stuff, so you would think I'd pick up on some of that fashion, but not me.

My father used to always tell me that he was so proud of me as a kid because I never wanted all the "hot" items.  I kid you not, I often bought my shoes at our local food store!  A ten dollar pair of off-brand tennis shoes!

I think that goes a long way in explaining why I was such a babe magnet in high school


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Hahaha! Well, for what it's worth, what was cool then created some embarassing photos to revisit now. Thank goodness my parents never got any photos of me in flight pants and those stupid zebra print bandanas! The pics they have are bad enough.

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

80's Rock Chick

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My childhood obsession was The Monkees. I haven't really changed much!

I too had a Bigwheel and loved it! I think you all know how MTV-obsessed I was.

Never had a proper nickname, although I always wished for one.

Favorite toys were stuffed animals. Never liked baby dolls. Fashionable Barbie-type dolls were great, but I never cared to play "Mommy" to some self-wetting doll. Interesting because as an "adult" I love animals, and don't like babies. My Mom says she had the toughest time trying to get me to hold or play with babydolls, which just never interested me. I still have lots of stuffed animals. They're the best.

P.S., Garougal - the little runt is still TOTALLY hot!!

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson


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You all make me feel so old. I was already hanging out at the "clubs" when MTV launched. In reference to favorite videos... Split Enz, "One Step Ahead" or Blondie's "Rapture"

Later on, before MTV stopped playing videos, Run DMC etc.

VJ-Riggs, I'm with you, Martha. Funny though, they had the Ginger (Blackwood?) vs. Marianne (Quinn) and the (Mark Goodman) Starsky & Hutch (Alan Hunter) thing.

Check this out

I was quite puzzled by a remote control that didn't have any wires on it?

-- Edited by squonk at 08:48, 2007-03-04

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

Permanent Vacation

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Oh man, where to start?

Favorite childhood game? Probably make-believe. I never had a single imaginary friend, but I was never in the real world. We wouldn't need toys to play, we could make it all up in our minds. I remember when my mom and my best friend's dad went out on a date (that was a mistake, he was a loser, but I think they decided to try it because us girls were always around each other anyway), the two of us got to get stick on earrings from a nickel machine. We rode int he back set, put our earrings on and pretended to be part of Jem's band riding in a limo! Or, there were many things me and the girl next door came up with when my mom and stepdad moved in together. We were in the hopscotch championships and foiled the pretend rival girls efforts to sabotage us, or we were hosts of a cooking show (but for some reason, all of our food was mud brown). I saw Bridge to Terabithia yesterday, I was a lot like that.

I was also a bike kid. I had a tricycle first, then got a cabbage patch big wheel when I was 5 (which I rode down to the park), but when my mom moved in with her boyfriend, it was into a not so nice neighborhood, so I wasn't allowed to ride around on it. When we moved out of his house a few months later, he kept a lot of our stuff and wouldn't give it back, big wheel included. I also remember he kept my play guitar that I really wanted back. He was an a$$hole. Then my dad got me a bike for my 7th birthday. We lived on an alley at the time, and I remember at first I was only allowed to ride it up and down the alley. Then around the block. Then later, all the way down to my best friend's house, 5 blocks away! Then after my mom moved in with my stepdad, it was a small town neighborhood, the borders of the neighborhood were pretty defined, so I got to ride around the whole neighborhood.

I had a few nicknames, but my mom hates nicknames. She always said, "I named you Michelle. If I would've wanted you called something else, I would've named you something else." But I wanted a nickname so bad. In Kindergarten, I said my nickname was Shell, but then we moved and it didn't follow me. When we moved into the new neighborhood, one of the kids called me Mich (pronounced "Mitch") because that's the way she thought my name should be pronounced. She still calls me that whenever I see her. My mom always called me The Kid or Brat. Since my sister was born, I just became The Kid and my sister is now The Brat.

MTV was my childhood. Even during the rough times when it was just me and my mom, we still got cable so we could watch MTV. It was the only thing that was ever on our TV, our evening news was MTV news! My favorite VJ at the time was probably Downtown Julie Brown. My favorite video was Sledgehammer when it came out.




2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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MzHartz wrote:

when my mom moved in with her boyfriend, it was into a not so nice neighborhood, so I wasn't allowed to ride around on it. When we moved out of his house a few months later, he kept a lot of our stuff and wouldn't give it back, big wheel included. I also remember he kept my play guitar that I really wanted back. He was an a$$hole.
HE KEPT YOUR BIG WHEEL?!?!  AND YOUR TOY GUITAR!?!?!?!   **shole doesn't begin to cover this scum!

Good grief Mz, I've known you a while and think you're a pretty cool person, but your mothers relationships HAD to have some impact on the way you look at things.

What an unfortunate way to grow up.

I feel so blessed because I truly grew up in a "Leave It To Beaver" kind of environment.

A little kid shouldn't have to worry about that crap you dealt with.  That just makes me mad.  I know you weren't putting it out there for sympathy, and I'm sure your mom did the best she could, but to me that just sucks.   Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of kids have it a LOT worse, but I just strongly believe a child should have a strong mother/father combination raising them.

On another note, I just remembered I used to be angry at my parents for not naming me Kip.  I remember there was a comedian on the show "Make Me Laugh" named Kip Adonnis (sic?) and I like the name Kip from Bosom Buddies, although I always thought Hanks looked more like a Kip than Scolari did.

My Mom would just tell me Kip was a dogs name


Permanent Vacation

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Oh yeah, he kept a lot of family photos and stuff too. I've never understood my mom's taste in men, with the exception of my dad. All of the other guys she dated were jerks (unfortunately, for quite a while, my stepdad included). I actually think I get a lot of my personality from my dad, he's pretty calm. But a lot of the guys my mom dated had anger management issues.

I'm sure the way I grew up has a lot to do with the way I look at things, but I think in a more positive way. Keep in mind, my mom was 17 when I was born, so my mom and I practically grew up together. I think it also made me grow up a lot faster. I feel like I can relate more to people my mom's age than my own age. But my mom made a hard decision, and not necessarily the easiest one, she could've decided not to have me. My mom and dad weren't ready for me, nor were they ready to get married. Obviously I'm biased, but I still think the best guy for my mom is my dad, and it may have worked out if they weren't forced into it.

So really, I learned from my mom's mistakes. But my dad, and my paternal grandparents more so, really had a hand in raising me too. My dad had to move 100 miles away for a job, so my grandparents made sure I got to go see him on a regular basis. It's my dad that got me my bike, and my dad and grandparents always made sure I had new clothes for school. I know it's not the way of life they would've picked, by my mom and dad did a pretty good job.

Sheesh, this is getting depressing. Back to the fun kid stuff. Like Lady Strange, I wasn't a doll girl. The most I played with my Barbies was to put them in the elevator on the doll house and yank the string so they would go flying up in the air. But, I played with my stuffed animals a lot more. They really replaced my dolls. But there was one doll I practically wore out: She-Ra, Princess of Power!!!




Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Lady Strange wrote:

P.S., Garougal - the little runt is still TOTALLY hot!!

I'll give you that - he looks amazing for his age - timeless looks, to be sure. And wow, he's still got the moves! I always admired how many instruments Prince taught himself to play. Such a gifted musician.

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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If anyone wants an in depth dissertation on all things Prince, just give JD about four shots of Jack Daniels and he'll stop what he's doing and give you an hour and a half of personal views & reviews on the Purple One.

Right JD?


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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MzHartz wrote:

Like Lady Strange, I wasn't a doll girl. The most I played with my Barbies was to put them in the elevator on the doll house and yank the string so they would go flying up in the air. But, I played with my stuffed animals a lot more. They really replaced my dolls. But there was one doll I practically wore out: She-Ra, Princess of Power!!!

It's so cool that you were able to keep a close bond with your dad even though he was far away. It's so touchng to see that when so many fathers nearly "disappeared" from their kids' lives, whether it be by thier own doing or the actions of the mother. I can tell that you have tender memories of your dad, and that is so wonderful!

She-Ra! OMG! My baby sis was soooooo into She-Ra and He-Man. She NEVER EVER missed an episode of either cartoon! She dragged her She-Ra doll with her everywhere (and usually Skeletor so the princess had someone to fight)! I thought it was so funny to see this cute little girl with these brawny looking action dolls in tow. My other little sis was similar that way - she carried an atrocious looking plush Incredible Hulk with her all the time, and it looked so funny for a girl in a pink tutu and purple tap shoes to be hugging that thing!

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Permanent Vacation

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Oh yeah, my dad really has made an effort and is such a great guy. And now that I'm grown up, we're closer now than we've ever been.

I didn't have any of the bad guys for her to fight. She usually fought a stuffed animal or a Barbie (a couple Barbies lost heads that way). But I did have her castle (which was also great for catapulting Barbies with the rising throne) and her horse. And I never had the girlie skirts and heels dress up kits, but I did have a She Ra dress up kit with bracers, her headband thing, a belt, a shield, and a sword.

I also had one of those birds where you wind up the rubber band and the wings would flap. The thing would actually fly across the living room (as opposed to being chucked across the living room). The cats loved to chase it. So I would dress up as SheRa, and the cats and I would chase down the evil bird!




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