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The Wonder From Down Under

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RE: Childhood Favorites

LOL I just started reading through these other threads!!

Favourite Game:  Brandy....(seeing how hard you could flog a ball at someone til it bruised...thus the name Brandy)  We all loved it as kids though!!!  Got banned at school!!

Favourite Toy:  I'm with was my bike!!!

And nickname:  Well we will leave that one alone...hahahaha...there's no way I'm putting that in here!!!


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Brandy sounds absolutely vicious! Did kids cry?

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Grand Poobah


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I hear in Scotland, kids play hammerhead shark. ya hammer a mate in the head and then throw them in the North sea and if they are lucky a shark don't eat them!

but hey up here in milwaukee were no pansies! tackle-pom-pom on cement or ice!
numb-skull is a culture up here.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09


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Bikes aren't toys. (I guess they are, I just haven't used it in such a way since I used to "ghost ride" mine off the toys on the playground!)

Hey, bad game from when you were a kid... "fireball" and "Polish cannons"
Fireball was a tennis ball soaked in gasoline, lit and thrown. The game was intended to be played with people you didn't like, I think. My step brother just loved it.
Polish cannons, a bunch of can with the top and bottom cut out, tape together with duct tape, the bottom can still had one end and small holes (to ignite the process) a tennis ball and some lighter fluid and those t balls would shoot in to the sky! My step dad showed us that one.

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

The Wonder From Down Under

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HAHAHA...yeah it was a viscious game alright!!!  You always got the rubber balls that had an imprint of a logo or something on it and if you flogged it at someone hard enough you could actually brand them with a logo!  Kids cried alright but we cried so hard we laughed!!!

I tell you now we all developed pretty good reflex and running skills from dodging those balls!!! 

You can see why it was banned in the schoolyard though!!!


Ghost In The Machine

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My favorite things were my roller skates and ice skates.  Back then we didn't have the in-line skates with those nice polyurethane wheels....our's were the old metal wheels that made your feet feel like they weighed 5 pounds each!  At least mine were a one piece unit...skate and boot together.  I remember some of the neighborhood kids still had the really old metal ones that you put on over the top of your tennis shoes, tightened the width up and adjusted the length with wing-nut screws, then prayed that the skate stayed together in the middle.....sometimes the wing-nut would loosen up and the skates would come apart.  We played a lot of street hockey in the summer and ice hockey in the winter, though none of us girls ever had the proper equipment to play ice hockey.....those pucks hurt like heck!!!!

I also loved the old wooden toboggon we used to have.  We'd spend hours in the winter waxing it so we could shoot down the metal runs one of parks had.  Our's was a six-footer and we'd pack as many people on it as we could.  That was a blast!!  Sledding is ok, but it doesn't compare to metal runs coated with about flying!!  I miss doing that.  Our city decided the metal runs were too much of a liability and took them down 15 years ago. 

I wasn't into playing with dolls, but had a nice collection of Barbie dolls.  I never took them out of the boxes.  I still have most of them and have decided to split them up between my girls......they can either keep them or sell them, it's up to them what they do with 'em. 

I also loved my bike.  I remember the day I got it.  My dad spent all day long trying to get the training wheels just right on it.  Once he had it balanced, he turned me loose.....I went around the block once, came home and told him to take them off.....I already knew how to ride a two-wheeler because the neighbor boys had shown me how.  Boy, was he mad at me for not telling him earlier!!  Haha.  He left them on for a week; finally took them off when he realized I wouldn't ride a "baby bike" as I called it.  Anyway, my bike gave me the taste of freedom that all kids dream about.  I lived in a quiet neighborhood and was allowed to ride in a 5 block radius from seemed like a long way at the time. 

Our favorite game was called "hobo Joe".  There were train tracks near our house, and a story was passed around about a one-armed hobo that would steal kids.  We used to pretend to be "hobo Joe" and try to catch each other.  It was more or less a game of tag and hide & seek mixed together.  Funny thing was there really was a hobo named Joe that used to hitch a ride on the train.....we'd see him every once in a while and it would scare the crap out of us.  And no, he didn't take kids....he was just a bum that got around town by hitching rides on the trains.  Older kids just embellished the story for us younger ones. 


Permanent Vacation

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Oh yeah, skates!! We had a skating rink, and I swear someone had a skate party every weekend. I loved that place!




Cat Scratch Diva


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This was a favorite in the teenage years...until I was the one pulling it back and it went forward and came back and hit me in the leg. I had a bruise for four months and the muscle was damaged enought that I can still tell you exactly where it hit. Needless to say....I stopped playing with it.


Better Than Cheddar

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I had a blue sit-n-spin I loved to play on in the basement- of course back in the late 70s/early 80s they were plain plastic- no lights/music.


Cat Scratch Diva


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does little cheese have one? little A got one for her birthday and doesnt like it much.


Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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I liked "pick up sticks"



Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Better Than Cheddar

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No, I didn't get her one. Maybe I'll hold off on that. I have her on my lap right now.  SHe wants ELMO!


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I never played pick up sticks, but I hope theres more to it than just picking up sticks

As a kid my Dad used to get me all the time with 52 Card Pickup.

He'd walk in my room and ask if I wanted to play cards.  I'd say yes.  He'd say ok, the game is 52 card pickup, then he'd spray the cards all over my room and leave

It took me years to finally realize I should just so "No Dad, I don't want to play cards with you"


Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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and since I grew up in a family of 3 boys, and I was the only girl, I loved the game TAG, Hide And Seek, and of course on rainy days, I had to play this:


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

80's Rock Chick

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squonk wrote:
Fireball was a tennis ball soaked in gasoline, lit and thrown. The game was intended to be played with people you didn't like, I think. My step brother just loved it.

  You are joking, yes?

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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squonk wrote:

Bikes aren't toys. (I guess they are, I just haven't used it in such a way since I used to "ghost ride" mine off the toys on the playground!)

Hey, bad game from when you were a kid... "fireball" and "Polish cannons"
Fireball was a tennis ball soaked in gasoline, lit and thrown. The game was intended to be played with people you didn't like, I think. My step brother just loved it.
Polish cannons, a bunch of can with the top and bottom cut out, tape together with duct tape, the bottom can still had one end and small holes (to ignite the process) a tennis ball and some lighter fluid and those t balls would shoot in to the sky! My step dad showed us that one.

What?!? I must share this with my parents to remind them what a good, sweet, obedient child I was. {{lol}} Squonk, do you have any eyebrows left after growing up with these games? How much of the old neighborhood was mysetriously burned down? {{lol}}

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"


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Actually, from time to time it would spash gas on you but, the flames never really scorched you. I'm not sure if too many of us had much knuckle hair etc.
It was probably the most dangerous game we played. We did so many stupid things. We got busted by my parents for trying to blow up an airplane model. We had designed it to do multiple "explosions". Little pouches of gas taped to the ceiling of the model plane's interior with a couple of bottle rockets dismounted and aiming at the pouches. We didn't take in to consideration that it's the fumes that burn. We slid the plane out a window on to the roof of the house's overhang... the rockets were lit but, were snuffed by the liquid. Some burning occured. We left it in the gutter. When the parents came home my mom saw the remains in the gutter. We were lectured on "what if those were real people, etc" We didn't get it.
Don't worry, I had a couple of "paybacks" with my son. I found myself saying similar statements. Man, I'm getting old.

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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squonk wrote:

Actually, from time to time it would spash gas on you but, the flames never really scorched you. I'm not sure if too many of us had much knuckle hair etc.
It was probably the most dangerous game we played. We did so many stupid things. We got busted by my parents for trying to blow up an airplane model. We had designed it to do multiple "explosions". Little pouches of gas taped to the ceiling of the model plane's interior with a couple of bottle rockets dismounted and aiming at the pouches. We didn't take in to consideration that it's the fumes that burn. We slid the plane out a window on to the roof of the house's overhang... the rockets were lit but, were snuffed by the liquid. Some burning occured. We left it in the gutter. When the parents came home my mom saw the remains in the gutter. We were lectured on "what if those were real people, etc" We didn't get it.
Don't worry, I had a couple of "paybacks" with my son. I found myself saying similar statements. Man, I'm getting old.

Hahaha! That's wild! Please do not tell JD how to do these things though, he has enough problems with spontaneous fire in his life. Let's not encourage the guy.

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Grand Poobah


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but it sounds fun!!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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JD, you frighten me sometimes. {{lol}}

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Chairwoman Of The Board

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I grew up on a 35 acre farm in KY.  We had two ponds stocked with catfish and blue gill, a great creek for exploring, and a gravel lane that was about a 1/2 mile long, just perfect for bike riding.  Only downside, no neighbors to play with.  I spent many an hour hitting the tennis ball on the side of our house and patio, practicing basketball, and doing jigsaw puzzles.  I'd finish a Nancy Drew book the day I got it from the library.  Also figured out how to play Payday, Life, Monopoly (anything with money) by myself. Battleship, unfortunately, was not possible.  When friends would come over and stay the night, we usually went to the skating rink.  Once back at the house, it was makeup, beauty parlor, talent show, and Friday Night Videos.  Other games with friends were carems and jarts (I think they've outlawed those now).  Basically killer lawn darts.  Sqonk, you'd like this.  My brother was in 6th grade when he decided it would be cool to dip dandelions in gasoline and light them with my dad's aceteline (sp) torch.  He was six years older than me so I can't remember much, just the giant bubbles that appeared on his arm from the burn and the fact that his shirt had melted onto his arm.  He should have stuck with the jigsaw puzzles like me!       


The Chosen Woo

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oh man I just loved toys! I too had a Big Wheel. I was not so much a bike person though. It took me awhile to find my balance. I guess I loved pretend. Me & the neighbors were always pretending to be something. A lot of the time it was Batman & Robin. But I also remember pretending to be Wonder Woman in my underoos when I was home alone! LOL!

I've always been fascinated by magic and superheroes so the list could be big.

He-Man-(bunch of action figures from both)
Jem & The Holograms(had a huge doll collection)

I had a major obsession with watching all The Monkees reruns on tv. It would play like 3 times a day on different channels!

I remember playing Freeze Tag. We were always changing the rules. Like you had to name a tv show before you were tagged to be safe.

I had Barbie dolls but grew out of them as soon as Jem came around. I loved them things! I loved changing their hair and wardrobe. For a short time I wanted to be a fashion designer. I would draw sketches. I'm sure something else will come to mind later.

Oh and JR- My dad liked to play 52 card pickup with me too! lol

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Chairwoman Of The Board

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The summer of 1987, I lived in Kansas City with my brother's family and worked at an amusement park called Worlds of Fun.  I worked in the accounting office.  Don't remember how it happened, but Mattel was doing a weekend thing at the park and wanted live actors to do autographs.  I was given the She-Ra costume.  I'd never even heard of her.  I remember the outfit was pretty cool.  I was in line with all the other superheroes and shook the kids hands and signed their autographs.  Too bad I don't have a scanner, that picture might be worth posting for a laugh. 


Grand Poobah


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squonk knows this story- but up in my aunt and uncles attic, my cousins and I would have bb-gun fights.  a big thing I remember was my uncle having this huge parka that one of us would wrap up in and the the rest would just have at it with the guns. most of the time you didn't feel the bbs for the most part. I guarantee you that coat is still hiding somewhere up in that attic, and it is filled with easily 60 pounds of bbs...

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Yet more stories for me to give my parents to remind them what a magnificently good child I was! {{lol}}

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Woo Hoo wrote:

Me & the neighbors were always pretending to be something. A lot of the time it was Batman & Robin. But I also remember pretending to be Wonder Woman in my underoos when I was home alone! LOL!

I remember playing Freeze Tag. We were always changing the rules. Like you had to name a tv show before you were tagged to be safe.

I used to play Batman & Robin too! Only, because I was the only girl, I was always voted to play a villainess - usually Catwoman! Meow! LOL

We played freeze tag alot too, only we combined it with Bloody Murder. The parents would get so tired of hearing their children shrieking constantly! Oh, that was fun - I'd play it again if I could find playmates to do it!

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

The Chosen Woo

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I'll be right over Heather!

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Permanent Vacation

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I'll come play!

Personally, I think all disputes should be settled with a game of Red Rover. Which is kind of funny, because I was a small kid.






Ooooo, we have a game going! OK, who's going to be "it" first? {{lol}} Any special rules?

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