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2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Good thing we're all stupid!

Atleast, that must be what the people running Barack Obama's campaign must think

You know, I'm a republican, but if a Democrat has to win the presidency the only two I could stomach would be Obama or Edwards.  Maybe I have to take Obama off that list.

I'm so tired of these politicians thinking we're stupid.  For crying out loud, JUST ONCE be honest and tell the truth.  If Obama had come out and said something along the lines of "You know, I was younger, I was stupid, I thought rules didn't apply to me.  I'm older and wiser now, but young enough to remember how I felt and maybe that will help me to have a stronger connection to the young, disenchanted voters out there" or SOMETHING resembling flat out honestly!  Instead, this crap...

BOSTON - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama got more than an education when he attended Harvard Law School in the late 1980s. He also got a healthy stack of parking tickets, most of which he never paid.

The Illinois Senator shelled out $375 in January - two weeks before he officially launched his presidential campaign - to finally pay for 15 outstanding parking tickets and their associated late fees.

The story was first reported Wednesday by The Somerville News.

Obama received 17 parking tickets in Cambridge between 1988 and 1991, mostly for parking in a bus stop, parking without a resident permit and failing to pay the meter, records from the Cambridge Traffic, Parking and Transportation office show.

He incurred $140 in fines and $260 in late fees in Cambridge in all, but he paid $25 for two of the tickets in February 1990.

Jen Psaki, a spokeswoman for the Obama campaign, dismissed the tickets as not relevant.

Hey Jen, if they're not relevent why did he make a point of paying them now, 17 - 19 years later, JUST BEFORE entering the race for President?  Clearly you were concerned enough to have him pay them off.  And CLEARLY he hadn't just "forgot" them, or was is pure coincidence he remembered he owed them right before filing paperwork to run?

"He didn't owe that much and what he did owe, he paid," Psaki said on Wednesday. "Many people have parking tickets and late fees. All the parking tickets and late fees were paid in full."

He didn't owe that much and what he did owe he paid?  Oh, so then if the fines are small enough we're not expected to pay them now?  Cool.  Next time I get a ticket for parking on the wrong side of the street overnight I'll just call my local PD and tell them I'll catch up with them in a decade or two when the fines are worth my time.

"Many people have parking tickets and late fees".  Yes, I suppose that's true.  Usually though they have a due date, and responsible people pay them on time.  I guess it's silly to expect a candidate for President of the United States to show any responsibility.

Stop the BS and just say the MAN SCREWED UP AND HE'S SORRY!  Jeez!  What the hell is with this crap!


The Good Witch Of The South


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Sad to think this made the news though. I really do not care about stuff like that- we can never really educate the public, except for how the candidate puts out fires!


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

That's just it, it's NOT news.  The actual issue itself doens't matter.  I wouldn't change my view of Obama based on a couple hundred dollars of parking tickets.

It should go away as soon as the reporter asks about it and I think it would if they just answered honestly.

It's the BS spin they try to put on it that turns it into a story.

Like I said, are we stupid?  Does anyone really think THEY didn't think it was an issue when they made sure to pay the bills off right before they filed to run for the Presidency?


Permanent Vacation

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Obama, like any other candidate, doesn't do his own pr any more. I'm guessing there's probably some crew that looks for any dirt on him before someone else does, so they can advise him on what to do about it (in this case, pay the tickets), so it doesn't come up later. And if it does, they probably have some statement (see above) that they've already drafted. I'm more impressed that he's just a normal person who didn't pay their parking tickets in college.

It's only 2007, and this crap started months ago. We've got two more years of this crap until someone finally gets elected. Why can't we just focus on the issues?




2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

I'm a firm believer that the buck stops with the candidate.  If he wanted to speak directly he could.  They all use these firms and by doing so are approving their actions.

The world we live in is such that everything you do will be brought up and made into an issue.  Some stuff will be MADE UP and made into an issue.

What's wrong with asking a candidate to just say it like it is?

I'm actually agreeing with you, this isn't a big deal.  It could STAY not a big deal if the guy just manned up and said "Hey, I screwed up, I acted irresponsibly, and before running for President I thought it would be a good idea to clean up my past mistakes".

I can respect that.

I can't respect someone who let's a PR firm BS their way through the smallest of issues.

Sounds like I'm in the minority here though.


Permanent Vacation

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Jeremy Riggs wrote:

I can't respect someone who let's a PR firm BS their way through the smallest of issues.

They all use PR, you wouldn't be able to endorse any candidate then.




2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950


It's sad!

They're bought and paid for by special interest groups and packaged by PR firms.

I guess the lesson is vote however you want, you never REALLY know what you're getting anyway

Sad state of affairs.

Bottom line:  Obama made mistakes.  Obama ignored his resposibilites to pay for those mistakes until he feared it was going to be an issue in his campaign.  Yet NO WHERE does the press agent say Obama made mistakes or that he realizes he made mistakes.

Instead we hear "everyone does it", "he eventually paid it", "lot's of people do it" and non of it is relevent.

I would expect more from a CHILD that did something wrong, regardless of if it were minor or not.  I think I have a right to expect more from a politician.

Like I said, I get parking tickets.  Never for something as stupid as parking in a bus stop, but for overnight parking on the wrong side of the street.  I don't feel I have the option to wait 17 years to pay it, and if I were running for office I would feel a responsibility at the VERY LEAST to admit I was wrong and that I don't condone people ignoring tickets they receive regardless of the amount.

This isn't an attack on Obama.  I'm not saying he's not fit for office.  I'm just saying admit you were wrong instead of spinning it as irrelevant.

I KNOW everyone in politics handles it this way.  That doesn't make it right.


Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

I agree, it doesn't make it right. But I'm not going to use it either way when I decide who I'm going to vote for.

In fact, at the moment, I really only know the one person I'm not going to vote for. From your original comment, I have a feeling you'd agree...




2011 Super Bowl Champions!

Status: Offline
Posts: 29950

Does it start with an H and end with an ilary? 

This really doesn't affect my vote either, because I know it's business as usual.

I guess I just like Obama and think he can be better than this.  I think once in awhile a guy can side step his PR, and show some force in telling the press in his own words "Look, this isn't a big deal!  I handled it, I'm human, let's move on to the real issues at hand!"

But I know that his PR folks would not allow him to do that.  I just wish they would.  It might work to their advantage once in awhile!  Help their canididate stand out as being his own man.


Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

You got it! Usually I refuse to claim a party, but I thought about voting in the Democratic primaries this year just to ensure she doesn't get in.

I'll admit, one of the appeals of Obama is that he works different than a lot of other politicians. But with this and other issues, he really is starting to look like all the rest.




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