The weekend is just about to end here and it will be Monday here by the time you all wake up.
Had my first day off today and I slept the sleep of death all day! Nothing could rouse me at all! I needed it so bad. So right now am feeling very rested but back to work again. Oh least I'm tired from something I enjoy doing and not from having to earn a living. Would be nice to at least have 2 days off from work but I shall get that again in 2 weeks time when my funding comes through for an assistant in my program I run.
I was supposed to have Monday off but too much to do so I am making myself go back in early. But sigh...I have to miss art class tonight and I don't like that! Lucky I am ahead in my course so I can afford to miss one class. I am one busy gal these days but at least it keeps me out of mischief!
Anyway enough of that...hope you all have a terrific Sunday! And I hope I'll be around to catch some of JD's shows later!
I hope JR is happy with this time change so early. I don't want to be up yet.
It looks like my laptop and my servers made the new time change ok, but my cell phone didn't. I had to manually bump it up one hour. I expect I'll have to change it back in three weeks.
I gotta get moving and get ready for practice this morning. We're only playing two songs today because we are singing with two on CD and have a special music guest singing one song.
After church, my brother's family and us are taking my dad out for lunch for his 66th birthday (yesterday).
Morning all. Supposed to be sunny and 50 here today...may hit 60 by Tuesday...can't say I'm sad that the worst of winter is now behind me. Nothing much on the agenda today so think I'll goof off most of the day. Have a good one everyone!
Yeah I am pretty busy but oh well I love what I do! You have to as there is no financial reward for it! And I get a bit of adventure out of it because I get to travel to even more remote locations on the Cape! Overall it is a fantastic experience!
Sometimes the reward of knowing you're doing something good is better than getting paid for doing it.
Oh my, did I just say that?? Haha, yeah I did, but it's true, especially when it's something you love doing. And you get to travel some too.....think I'm getting a little jealous here.
Sunny day today. I got my bike on Friday and plan to give it a work out today. I have to try not to over-do it. I just want to be a little sore not a lot!!!! I want to lose 20lbs by the end of June. Just since I've changed the diet and cut back on the beer and wine I've dropped 5lbs in a week and a half. It's a good start. Well I'm hitting the yard to pick up twigs and branches and do a little yard work then hit the bike for an afternoon ride. Have a marvelous day all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An assistant job for me???......on my way right now
Anyway, hate to leave you here by yourself Jules, but my youngest just asked if I want to play some Guitar Hero with her.....time to show her who's the best at it, haha. Talk to you later and have a good night!!!
Afternoon all- I pulled a muscle in my back yesterday and have been laying around being miserable all day. I have some prescription ibruprofen but it does not do too much. It is right under my shoulder blade and it hurts to use either arm or to lay down- I hate getting old. Did not finish the painting job cause of that too- maybe next weekend. Hubby had to work yesterday and today he painted her shelves.
Had a good day anyway. I know I am gonna be sleepy tomorrow.
What cell phone provider do you have Web? My computer and phone were ok!