And I thought it was something wrong on my end that I haven't been able to get on here in two days........good to know it's just the server running so slowly.
how bizarre. I guess you guys are all having the same problem as me? I don't get the main page at all... I cn look at LIST USERS...pull up a name look at their recent posts and then read and reply but heaven knows what I'm missing. i feel like I'm in a bubble. I can't PM either :(
Well this just stinks. Sounds like some of you are having better results today, but not me, it's still taking as long as ever to load the first page of the forum :(
I posted three times and I'm already annoyed. Guess it's time to go back to the real world. I'm off to do my food shopping.
I dropped these guys another email this morning letting them know the problem still exists.
Hopefully they'll look into it for us. This is really driving me crazy. The forum is NOT as much fun when you have to wait 30 seconds every time you reload the main page!
Yes, it is only the main page. The thread pages seem fine.
I think its the "stuff" at the bottom as most of the page loads, and works, it just never finishes loading completely. I have a feeling its in the "whos online" part of the code.