Guess I should give my "type" also, for those of you who've never read any of my posts or any of my dedications. Or who may live in a cave.
Absolutely no smoking or other drugs. Must live for music, and be well-rounded & open-minded in taste. Long hair - any color. If hair is not long, it has to be due to Mother Nature, and not by choice. (Who would actually choose such a thing?!) No tattoos. No smoking. Skinny tattoo-free rock & roll body. I hate the buff look.
Oh, and no smoking, no smoking, and uh.... no smoking.
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson