I bought my first flourescent light bulbs a few years ago and they're still ticking. I didn't replace all my lights because these were a bit too expensive for my taste.
But I like the light they give off, and the only real negative is a 3 or 4 second delay in the light going on after you turn it on, which is obviously no big deal.
Reading the story below I've been inspired to go to Sam's Club tomorrow and buy enough bulbs to replace my entire house worth (about 30 bulbs). Sam's Club sells 8 packs for only $20.00 I believe.
Coalition of business, energy groups advises switch for energy efficiency
By Roger O’Neil
Updated: 6:30 p.m. CT March 14, 2007
EDISON, N.J. - It's lit our way for 128 years, but an alliance of businesses, energy experts and environmentalists on Wednesday said it's time to dim old Tom Edison's incandescent light bulb and switch by 2016 to a brighter future — to energy efficient fluorescents, halogens and LEDs.
"They use only a quarter of the energy compared to an incandescent, are much cooler, last much longer, and most importantly, result in a lot less emissions coming from our power plants," says Noah Horowitz with the National Resources Defense Council.
Industry figures show replacing a 75-watt incandescent with one 20-watt fluorescent will save $55 in electricity over the life of the bulb.
It's why Brian Barton in Los Angeles changed all 118 bulbs in his house.
"I'm saving $150 a month," he says.
But for most fluorescents are still too expensive. You can buy four old-fashioned bulbs for 96 cents or one fluorescent for $5.97.