These changes barely affect any of us right now, perhaps the biggest change you might notice is the fact your player stops more often.
But they are clearly nervous about owing a great deal of money for all of 2006 and much more serious changes may be coming very soon. It sounds like there's a very real possibility that stations such as ours could be in big trouble if this battle isn't resolved sooner instead of later.
From Live365...
Though we are appealing the new rates, the outcome of an appeal will take some time. In the meantime, the new rates go into effect immediately, therefore Live365 must pay higher rates beginning March 5th. These new rates have forced us to make some changes to business policy regarding listening from the Live365 website in an effort to minimize royalties and help keep down the cost of broadcasting.
These changes include:
VIP "Are you still there?" campaign: All VIPs will receive an "Are you still there?" prompt after 8 hours that they will then need to click or the broadcast will stop.
Non-VIP "Are you still there?" campaign: We'll also be testing different maximum listening session lengths and reminders on some non-VIP listeners.
PRO Broadcasts only on iTunes: Personal broadcast accounts are priced based on carrying full Live365 advertising and branding. Without that branding/advertising, along with the new royalty rates, it is not financially feasible to list personal broadcasts with iTunes. Professional stations are still eligible for iTunes listing.
Disabling of direct 3rd party player listening from Live365 website: Listeners will need to keep the Live365 Player Window open if they wish to listen via 3rd party applications such as iTunes or Winamp. Professional broadcasters will still be able to have direct 3rd party links from their own websites.
But I think they're a little tied in because of the contracts we agreed to. They can't go back and make us pay for the past and I don't think they can drastically alter the agreement without letting us out of it.
I'm more worried now about if this process drags out. Live365 IS legally on the hook for a HUGE amount of money right now, for all of 2006 and the numbers are adding up every day on this year.
I could see Live365 coming back pretty soon and saying "Either we have to ammend each and every contract or we'll have to just shut off and go away because we can't afford the new rates."
WebGuy wrote: I could see Live365 coming back pretty soon and saying "Either we have to ammend each and every contract or we'll have to just shut off and go away because we can't afford the new rates."
WebGuy wrote: I could see Live365 coming back pretty soon and saying "Either we have to ammend each and every contract or we'll have to just shut off and go away because we can't afford the new rates."
That's what I'm fearing
bah! breach of contract. I will sue for emotional harm to my sensitive self.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
WebGuy wrote: I don't think I'll renew for another 6 months until I know whats going to happen with this. Maybe go monthly now rather than 6 months at a time.
Edit: I mean with my VIP membership.
-- Edited by WebGuy at 22:05, 2007-03-21
Probably not a bad idea until we know what's going to happen.
Jer, As listeners, is there anything we can do? Does signing on/signing up as a VIP do anything for FFR directly?
I personally think that have some power over what you hear is a fairly good deal.
I do wish that Live365 was available on Sirius/XM type systems. That would be a huge value.
S Jeremy Riggs wrote:
WebGuy wrote: I don't think I'll renew for another 6 months until I know whats going to happen with this. Maybe go monthly now rather than 6 months at a time.
Edit: I mean with my VIP membership.
-- Edited by WebGuy at 22:05, 2007-03-21
Probably not a bad idea until we know what's going to happen.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
MzHartz wrote: I think JR gets a few pennies for each listening VIP.
those pennies are immediately credited towards the cost of running the station by live365.
JD is spot on. The credits are put in our account and the next yearly contract has had them applied to it.
A typical year costs us about $640 in boradcast fees, but because of VIP money the last two have been much better.
I think last year we paid about $250 and the year before that we were NEARLY EVEN! Only paying about $75 if I recall correctly.
Then the MySpace stream is $12 additional dollars a month, but we'll be ending that soon so it won't be a direct cost of the station anymore.
SQUONK: There had been some serious talk at Live365 about the possibility of being on XM/Sirius in the future. Wi-Fi in auto's is a very real possibility in the next 5 years or less too.
I think the satellite talk is dead for now though.
Darlene, if you've got the new version of Windows Media Player, you can get to it two ways. One, by going to an online store (usually the button to the far right, a store may already be loaded, try the little down arrow below the farthest right button), and I found Live 365 on the main page there, and then you can find the station like you would on their website.
Or, you can right click on any empty space around the frame of the player, and select switch to classic mode, and it'll give you the file, edit, etc.
darleneapd wrote: I don't see the word "file" anywhere??!!??