They seem pretty confident we can beat this (particularly near the bottom of the letter).
Re: Copyright Royalty Board Rate Structure
If you are reading this you are involved with internet radio: Maybe as a hobby. Maybe on a professional level with the hopes of making profit at some point in the future.
If you are reading this you are personally affected by the recent Copyright Royalty Board's ruling that will elevate royalty rates 140% over the next four years.
If you have made it to this sentence your interest is strong enough to initiate action that will let those in a position of power know you are concerned with the increased costs for products (music), which holds no definitive value until radio gives it exposure and makes it popular.
Spacial Audio's position on this recent CRB ruling is simple: Artists should be paid for their work to a degree that directly relates to the worth of their work.
Spacial Audio wants you to know that we are actively working behind the scenes, and directly with groups like DiMA, on efforts to overturn the Copyright Royalty Board's ruling. But, the most important element of this process is more in your hands than ours. You need to:
3) Place links to both of the above on your radio station web site, so your listeners may voice their opinion. Nothing works in Washington D.C. like the aggravated and disapproving voice of the people.
4) Don't "do nothing," and don't "give up." This is a legal process that may take years to come to a conclusion. The fight is not over unless you let it be over.
The CRB will soon hold another hearing to listen, once again, to the outcry from the public and small webcasters who are so adversely affected by its early March 2007 ruling. This action would not be happening unless there were doubts as to the capricious nature of the royalty rates it set.
Spacial Audio urges you to become involved, to help save an industry that is perfectly willing to pay for music but is not willing to let itself be walked over by the groups that control music.
These extremely high rates will be overturned; as surely as they were held off in the last occurrence that set rates beyond the reach of webcasters (in 2001). You have my word that Spacial Audio is behind your efforts to right this wrong, and to grow the online radio industry. But, we have work to do - so don't sit idle hoping everything will work itself out. Take action, today! We are.
Bryan Payne, CEO Spacial Audio Solutions LLC Austin, TX 214-453-3550