Tonight on American Idol while they were announcing one of the contestents phone numbers the contestent started singing a song that wasn't featured on the show that night.
Ryan quickly told him to stop that or they'd have to pay for it and he'd have Fox on his butt.
Hey JR- I saw that too. Any guesses who you think will go home tomorrow night? My coworkers have a pool going. Winner gets their dinner bought for them the next get together. Sanjaya keeps screwing us all up. I'm not crazy about the rocker chick, and Haley's awful, but she'd so pretty, she keeps getting the votes needed to stay.
I'm also still in the running for March madness. Out of 10, there's four of us still in it. Go Ohio State!!
Oh God PLEASE let it be Sanjaya! He HAAAAAAAAAAAS to go! He is making a mockery of the entire season.
The rocker chick did one of my favorite songs (Chrissie Hynde - I'll Stand By You) and I thought she did really well. I'm thinking she'll be pretty safe this week.
Other than Sanjaya, I think Chris Sligh has worn out his welcome. The only guy I think should be safe is Blake.
I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that Sanjaya will go. Two weeks ago he was in the bottom three vote getters. I think since then he's decided to act and dress goofier to try and get votes from people who just wanna see what he'll do next.
Agreed. Sanjaya needs to go. His hair tonight really scared me. Looks like he had a banana clip from the 80's holding it up like that. You won't know what a banana clip is, but I bet Woo and Darlene and Ruby do!!!
Tennessee Gal wrote: Agreed. Sanjaya needs to go. His hair tonight really scared me. Looks like he had a banana clip from the 80's holding it up like that. You won't know what a banana clip is, but I bet Woo and Darlene and Ruby do!!!
Sanjaya should be gone, but the little giels seem to like the Howard Stern & Votefor the votes may keep him in. He's already a nightmare for the produceres because he'll have to be on tour (Top 10 go) this summer.
Either of the Chrises could go....Haley is very hot so I don't see her going anywhere for a week or two. She's now dressing to show off her body and legs (smart move) and last week even showed some bounce in her moves!
Tennessee Gal wrote: Agreed. Sanjaya needs to go. His hair tonight really scared me. Looks like he had a banana clip from the 80's holding it up like that. You won't know what a banana clip is, but I bet Woo and Darlene and Ruby do!!!
first of all we don't watch this regularly. But my husband called me out to the tv to see Sanjaya's hair! He thought that he was trying to do Gwen hair since he was doing one of her songs. What a dork!!
2nd I like Chris but he didn't do well from the lil bit I saw & heard. I thought the rocker chick sounded good.
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 08:45, 2007-03-28
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
sgmorrell wrote: Sanjaya should be gone, but the little giels seem to like the Howard Stern & Votefor the votes may keep him in. is still there? I figured that would die out after a season or two.
That's frickin' pathetic in my veiw. Those people need to get a life. They're like the little punks on the playground that don't want to play and yet try to do anything they can to break up the games that are being played.
Get a frickin' life. How about watching a show you LIKE instead of wasting your time trying to ruin a show you apparently don't like?
Tennessee Gal wrote: Agreed. Sanjaya needs to go. His hair tonight really scared me. Looks like he had a banana clip from the 80's holding it up like that. You won't know what a banana clip is, but I bet Woo and Darlene and Ruby do!!!
I sure do!!! I'm sure I can dig out of someplace TG!!
And Sanjaya needs to go too!! But every season there is one kid who all the teeny boopers vote for... last year it was that kid they called "Chicken Little"..
I've never heard of that "Vote For The Worst" site before.
If you read between the lines on the "About Us" thing there on the front page, I think it is really saying:
We tried out for Idol and didn't make it. Yes, we suck, but there are others that suck more than we do that got to be on TV. This is not fair. We're mad. By wallowing in our self pity about our sucky singing not getting us on TV, we refuse to get lives and move on. We are using this website to try to do all we can to get even with the show because they saw how much we suck.