It looks to me like its just another content management system. I don't know anything about it, but judging by the "dotnet" part, it has to run on a Windoze .NET server rather than MySQL and PHP.
If you're looking for a content management system, you might check out Drupal too at
I'm trying to find something to use for the freeze-Frame Website that would be easier to use on the fly.
Working through Front Page is a pain in the rump, and as a result the site never gets updated.
It looks like some of these PHP generating sites would allow for updating straight from the web, and more interaction between listeners and the site (like photo album uploading and such).
I figure it never hurts to put some nice curtains up on the windows before the ship sinks
hey I tried to calibrate my incubus using the downloadable hardware, but my dirgible net froze up my browzer motherboard. I can show you the readme if you don't believe me...
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
JD The Jazz Doctor wrote: hey I tried to calibrate my incubus using the downloadable hardware, but my dirgible net froze up my browzer motherboard. I can show you the readme if you don't believe me...