Just wanted to say hi to everyone! I'm not able to get online very much anymore so I thought I would just drop in to say hello! It can be hard with these time differences for me. And as I am now living in a new place I only have net access during the day!
But I am doing ok! Just working hard, playing little but I am doing good things with my life and not wasting a second of it so I do feel wonderful if not a little tired! But I always think of my FFR family and I can't go too long without busting my way through to find a break to say hi!
I've gone through alot in the past couple of months including a very personal experience...that I know a couple of you here know about already...which affected me really badly so have been just working my way through it. All I can say it was nasty experience and it is every woman's nightmare to have it happen and it happened to me! I have not been myself but I have got myself through it somehow and am back to my usual smiling me again!
Well hopefully I will be back in the loop again soon once my workload lessens a bit! But if I do not see you all this week I wish you all a wonderful Easter!